SMS, IVR Service Oman : Muscat Municipality

Organization : Muscat Municipality
Facility : SMS, IVR Service
Country : Oman

Website :

I. SMS Service :

1. Mobile Parking service :
You can now reserve a car parking using Short message Service according to the following procedures :
** Enter Car number followed by Car Code followed by duration required in minutes (multiple of 30 to maximum 300) as the following e.g. 1234 AB 90.

Related : Royal Oman Police ROP SMS Service :

** Send the message to 90091
** You will receive a confirmation message including the time has been reserved for your car parking

** Before 5 minutes, you will receive a reminder message to remind you that your car parking period will be expired shortly.

** For inquiry about the time remaining, send “TIME” to 90091
** For Help about how to use mobile parking service, send “HELP” to 90091
The cost of every SMS parking is 60 Bz per 30 minutes

2. Muscat Municipality SMS Services to enquiry about :
** The status of the services applied in Muscat Municipality in: Building permit, Rent Contract, Municipality License, Health and Technical Inspection, Construction Permission, Minor Building Permit, and Parking Permission and Violations.

By sending “SR” followed by service request number to 90888. Example : SR 2009035658

** Vehicle parking violations by send “VE” followed by vehicle registration number and code to 90888. Example : VE 9626 B
** Renewal Reminder Service (Municipal licence – rent contract- parking permission)

** Muscat Municipality remind the user to municipal services such as municipal license – rent contract- parking permission expiry date of the service and the necessity of renewal and reminders will be by SMS

II. Interactive Voice Response (IVR) :
IVR services 1111 :
** Enquiry about the status of the services applied in Muscat Municipality.
** To know about the required documents for municipal services
** For Suggestions
** For Complaints

Mobile Application “Baladiyeti” :
Vision :
** Providing Muscat Municipality services any time, any place via various technologies in a smart way.

Naming :
** The application was named «Baladiyeti» to strengthen the partnership and appreciation between the beneficiary and Muscat Municipality.

Objective :
1. Improving Municipal work efficiency.
2. providing better services and innovative ways
3. Facilitating access to MM services for the largest possible segment
4. saving time, effort and money
5. Increasing transparency and trust between the client and Muscat Municipality.

Target Audience :
1. Individuals
2. Business owners
3. Society

1- Transactional Services :
Which allows the client complete transactions and pay service fees immediately :
** Apply for Jobs
** Building Permit Renewal
** Parking Violation Payment
** Parking Permission
** Parking reservation
** Municipal License Renewal
** Lease Contract Renewal

2- Informational Services :
Which provides a variety of information about Muscat Municipality and Muscat governorate :
** MM News
** Explore Muscat
** Service Directory
** Health Requirements
** Legal and Law
** Available Tenders
** MM Projects

3- Interactive Services :
Which enables the client to interact with Muscat Municipality through inquiries and suggestions :
** Muscat Contact Center
** Sending Complaint with Photo
** Complaint Follow up
** suggestion
** Service Request

About Us :
Available sources indicate that the history of municipal order in Muscat goes back to the early twenties of the last century when the first administrative organizations emerged to carry out municipal tasks such as cleaning and the organization of markets and buildings (in addition to some miscellaneous tasks prescribed by the governments at that time).

Categories: Oman
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