Municipal License Search Oman :

Organization : Muscat Municipality
Facility : Municipal License Search
Country : Oman

Website :

Municipal License Search :

** (Commercial Registration No. and municipal license No.) in case of shops or vehicle licenses.

Related : MOECA Issuing Licenses For Practicing Diving, Companies & Clubs Oman :

** (CR and Vehicle plate number and characters) in case of vehicle license only.

Terms of Service :
** In case the license is active, it cannot be renewed unless before three months of the license expiration .
** The rent contract which is associated with the license must not be expired.

** The expiry date of the municipal license (for shops) shall be linked with the expiry date of the rent contract as per the following :
1. If the remaining term of the rent contract is less than a year, the license shall be renewed for that period only.

2. If the remaining term of the rent contract is more than one year, the license shall be renewed for one year only.

** The Service is not available for some licenses which are associated with public health activities, as it require approval from health inspection Department and registration of one health card at least.

The Service is not available for some licenses associated with signboards for the following : (government land – temporary signboards)
** If the license includes workers (health cards), the license shall not be renewed if the resident ID is expired.

Very Important :
Some licenses include (activities /boards) which have not been neither renewed nor canceled. These (activities or boards) shall be categorized as (Pending for renewal).

Kindly, review the license details to avoid paying undue fees or fines . In such cases, please refer to the competent DG.

Service Request Points :
The Service is available only for license renewal without modifications (in the case of modifications, the applicant should visit service points at MM DGs).

FAQs :
1. Is Parking service using SMS available in both Arabic and English (Bio Language)?
Bio Language System : If the user sends a message in Arabic s/he will receive the confirmation and reminder messages in Arabic. On the other hand if s/he sends in English s/he will receive the messages in English.

2. Can we inquiry about the remaining time to reserve a car parking using SMS?
Time message : if the user sends “Time” the system will return a message with the time remaining for valid parking ticket which already purchased from the same mobile.

3. How can I know how to use mobile parking service to reserve a car parking using SMS?
Help message : if the user sends “help”, the system will send a help message to help the user and inform him / her how to use the service.

4. Is there a way that I can know the ticket expiry time using SMS to remind me?
Yes using Reminder Message, The user will receive a reminder message before 5 minutes from ticket expiry time.

5. I would like to known, who is responsible to look into the practice of traditional medicine e.g. herbal medications? Is it the MM or MOH or both?
Muscat Municipality is not responsible for the practice of the traditional medicines.

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