Establish a Company Online : e-Estonia

Organization : e-Estonia, The Digital Society
Facility : Establish a Company Online
Country : Estonia

Website :

Establish a Company :

Estonian companies can be established, registered, and administered entirely online. In 2009 Estonia received a Guinness World Record for “fastest time to register a new legal entity” – just 18 minutes.

Related : e-Estonia How to Open a Bank Account :

Estonian companies do not pay corporate income tax until distributions are made. However, e-Residency does not automatically determine tax residency. To learn about taxation and to avoid double taxation, please consult a tax professional. You can also find more information here and here.

Any entrepreneur or freelancer running a location-independent international business can enjoy the following benefits :
** Ability to register a new company online
** Low startup and maintenance costs
** Remote administration from anywhere in the world

** 0% company income tax until distributions are made, which means more money to invest (please check whether your company is subject to taxation in another jurisdiction).

** Minimal bureaucracy and clear tax framework
** Inclusion in the EU’s legal framework
** Increased perception of trustworthiness as a result of registration in EU.

Steps for registering a company :
** Contact a virtual office service provider to obtain a legal address in Estonia. We are currently working on quicker and more cost-effective options to obtain this required address. Please subscribe to our newsletter for updates.

** Register a company online at the Company Registration Portal

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More information about different types of business entities, the process of establishing a company, accounting requirements, tax system etc. can be found in the Investment Guide.

List of functions :
** Register a new company over the internet
** Change data in the business register
** File annual reports

** Administrate members list of political parties
** Detailed inquires of other companies
From 2011, most company submissions were made over the internet with e-Business Register

Company Registration :
All it takes to register a company is an ID card, and ID card reader and an Internet connection. Here’s how it’s done :
Step 1 : The entrepreneur logs onto the portal using an ID card
Step 2 : He or she fills in the necessary information

Step 3
: The founder or founders electronically sign the documents
Step 4 : Fees and share capital are transferred through the Internet
Step 5 : The entrepreneur sends the application with just one click

All of the information is automatically sent to the courts and the Central Commercial Register, and a confirmation is received a few minutes later.

Why open a company in Estonia?
** Join one of the most advanced digital societies
** Membership of the EU, NATO, OECD and eurozone provides advantages and stability
** Low startup and maintenance costs
** Growth is incentivized with 0% corporate tax on reinvested profits
** Minimal bureaucracy and a clear tax framework
** Minimal corruption in a transparent business environment
** Trade in euros to mitigate the risk of currency fluctuations

Mobile-ID :
** Mobile-ID allows people to use a mobile phone as a form of secure digital ID. Like the ID-card, it can be used to access secure e-services and digitally sign documents, but has the added advantage of not requiring a card reader.

** The system is based on a special Mobile-ID SIM card, which the customer must request from the mobile phone operator. Private keys are stored on the mobile SIM card along with a small application delivering the authentication and signature functions.

12,2%of voters use Mobile-ID :
Here’s how a Mobile-ID is used to log into a secure site, for instance a bank account :
** The user clicks the “Log in with Mobile-ID” option on a supported website
** The phone beeps and displays a screen indicating that a connection is being made

** The user is prompted to enter a Mobile-ID pin code into the phone
** The screen on the phone disappears and the user gains access to the secure website
** As smart phones have become standard, having the Mobile-ID option will become increasingly handy, allowing users to vote, for instance, via a phone’s web browser. © 2022 Contact Us   Privacy Policy   Site Map