e-ikamet.goc.gov.tr Renewal of Residence Permit : Turkey

Organization : Ministry of Interior Directorate General of Migration Management
Facility : Renewal of Residence Permit
Country : Turkey
Website : https://e-ikamet.goc.gov.tr/Ikamet/Basvuru/UzatmaBasvuru

Renewal of Residence Permit :

Please select the Type of the Application,
1. I Would like to lodge an Application for Renewal

Related : Investment Support & Promotion Agency Residence Permit Turkey : www.statusin.org/9689.html

2. I Would like to continue my Renewal Application
3. I Would like to see the result of my application for renewal

Processes for Renewal Application :
Information :
** Please enclose a copy of your passport for renewal of application. Do not send your original passport

** Renewal of application must be sent with PTT return receipt requested or by a cargo. Applications to be sent with surface mail shall not be accepted

** You can pay your fees by using virtual POS via credit card through the system, to the tax offices which collect discontinuous tax, or to the cashier’s offices of Ministry of Finance, or to the contracted banks by notifying your application number.

** You have to add the receipts related to paying the residence permit fee and the document cost to the application documents.

Please demand your payment receipts in duplicate. One of these copies will remain with you, and the other one will be added to the application documents. If you pay by credit card or by virtual POS through the system, you do not have to submit receipt separately.

** For renewal of application, please enclose only receipt of fee amounts and document amounts into application file If you have paid by using virtual POS with your credit card, you do not have to submit receipt.

** Please do not place money, cheque and other means of payment to your application files

** The documents must be sent within 5 WORKING DAYS after the application has been lodged through the system. The applications which have not been sent by post will not be taken under evaluation.

** After paying the residence permit fee and the document cost of residence permit, you must send all required documents with the receipts (one copy of the receipts will remain with you) in a large envelope sized as A4 and as PTT registered and reply paid letter or via cargo to the provincial directorate where the application is lodged.

** All applications must be sent separately with PTT return receipt requested or by a cargo. Application documents belonging to more than one person in the same envelope shall not be put in process.

** The applicant is responsible for the problem (except for the problems related to the post/shipping) arising from that the documents sent via post are different from the information declared or the applicant is responsible for the problem arising from that the application cannot be evaluated owing to missing document.

Application for the Extension of the Duration of Residence Permit :
Entry to Application for the Extension of the Duration of Residence Permit
Please fill in the required fields in order to resume
1. The First Two Letters of Your Name.
2. The First Two Letters of Your Last Name

3. Select Country of Nationality
4. Foreigners ID No
5. Residence Permit Card Serial Number
6. Residence Permit Card Number

7. Select Communication Preference
8. e-mail Address
9. Cell Phone

Important :
(1) The appointment day and time will be automatically given by the system to those who will make a residence permit application for İstanbul by using the first application screen. Foreigners will be able to have an appointment on the preferred day and time for the applications for other provinces.

(2) Foreigners who are the citizens of Serbia and Montenegro are required to make an appointment by using the first application module for the extension applications.

(3) AIESEC – IAESTE, the ones who came to our country within the scope of European Voluntary Service are required to make an application for short term residence permit.

(4) e-residence application is published by being tested with the latest versions of the browsers such as Internet Explorer, Firefox and Google Chrome. Please confirm that you use the updated version of the browser you use.

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