Check Commercial Name Availability Oman : Ministry of Commerce & Industry

Organization : Ministry of Commerce & Industry
Facility : Check Commercial Name Availability
Country : Oman
Website :

Commercial Name Availability :

This service allows user to check the commercial name availability in Oman and International ROMARIN Trademark Register. So he can decide on the desired name for the commercial registration.

Related : Check Trademark Availability Oman Ministry of Commerce & Industry :

User can show details of search results. Reserving the name can be done through either New Commercial Registration Service or Update Commercial Registration Service.

1. Enter Commercial Name
2. Click on the Search button

ROMARIN – International Trademark Search :
Warning – The ROMARIN database will no longer be available starting late 2017.
** For information on the status of your international trademark registration, use Madrid Monitor

** To conduct a pre-filing search or browse existing trademarks in your target markets, use the Global Brand Database
** The ROMARIN database allows you to search detailed information on all international marks registered under WIPO’s Madrid System.

** The database is updated daily and contains all Madrid System marks currently in force, those which have expired within the last six months, and those still under examination.

Commercial Registry FAQ :
How can I register a company in Oman?
You can now register a company online using the New Commercial Registration service. To use the service, all of the investors need a PKI enabled eID card. Many business activities can be started without the need for licensing.

All you need to do is fill the necessary fields, authorize the application and pay the fees. Registering a company can also be done in the MoCI front desk office or one of the available service centers (SANAD offices).

Related Post

How can I check my application status?
You can check your application status in Invest Easy mobile app or in web portal. Click here to use the service in web portal. You need to provide the application reference number and the submission date or applicant ID number.

Can I reserve company name (trade name) before registering it?
In October the Reserve Commercial Name as standalone service will be discontinued. You are able to select the name while starting a New Commercial Registration, as the name reservation service is already part of the registration service.

The existing name reservations will not be discarded and they will be available for upgrading to Commercial Registration for the period of the existing reservation service, which is one month.

You are responsible for choosing a name that complies with the regulations set for commercial names in the National Business Registry. The regulations are available here.

How can I check if company name (trade name) is available?
You can check the availability of a company name in the Invest Easy web portal or in mobile application. Click here to use the service in portal.

About Us :
Starting a business in Oman used to be a cumbersome and time consuming process. All the paperwork had to be done manually, there was no integration between different government agencies and the officials were only able to process low volumes of applications.It was not only a difficult process for the applicant, but it was also difficult for the officials.

The One-Stop-Shop (OSS) for Company Registration was set up early in 2000s, when the customer service functions of different government agencies were co-located to provide customers with a faster service and eliminate the need to physically travel between different locations.

Hence the name “one-stop-shop” – to get all company registration services from single location. Technology transformation of OSS started in 2003 and the first version of OSS software went live in 2006.

Contact Us :
Ministry of Commerce & Industry,
P.O.Box : 2955, P.C: 112, Muscat

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