Marriage Registration Guyana : Ministry of Home Affairs

Organization : Ministry of Home Affairs
Facility : Marriage Registration
Country : Guyana
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Marriage Registration :

Members of the public, who desire to marry by licence in Guyana, are hereby advised on the process for the acquisition of a Marriage Licence, which is in keeping with the Marriage Act Chapter 45:01 (as amended).

Related : Apply for a Birth Certificate Guyana Ministry of Home Affairs :

Section 40 of the Marriage Act Chapter 45:01 state :
“The Minister, subject to the restrictions herein after mentioned, may if he thinks fit in any case, grants a licence to marry without publication of banns or notice of marriage”.

Section 43 further states :
(1) Those intending marriages who desire to obtain the licence shall apply to the Minister therefor by petition lodged at the office of the Minister at least two days before it is required.

(2)The petition shall state :
** The forenames and surnames of the parties, their respective rank, profession or occupation;
** The place where, and the marriage officer by whom, the marriage is to be solemnized;

** Whether the parties or either of them have or has been previously married;
** That they know of no impediment of kindred, or alliance or other lawful cause, to prevent the proposed marriage;

** That one of the said parties, for the space of fifteen days immediately preceding the licence, has had his or her usual place of abode within Guyana.

** Where either of the parties, not being a widower or widow, is under the age of eighteen years, that the consent of the person or persons whose consent to the marriage is required under this Act has been obtained.

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(3)The petition shall be signed by both parties and shall be accompanied by such evidence of the statements therein made as the Minister may from time to time prescribe in the case of those petitions.

** In relation to Section 43 (2) (c), all persons, including persons residing abroad, must ensure that if they were previously married, the original Decree Absolute is submitted. Additionally, if the former spouse is deceased, the original Certificate of Death must be produced.

** Persons are urged to take careful note of the stipulated notice that must be given for the acquisition of a Marriage Licence depending on their place of abode i.e. whether they reside in or outside of Guyana.

Process :
** Obtain the application Form from the Guyana Post Office Corporation images
** Fill out same

** Have a Justice of Peace Notarize the application
** Submit the completed Form with the required documents to the General Register Office, Marriage Section.

** You will be told the date the License can be uplifted.
** Take the License to your Marriage Officer who will perform the marriage ceremony.

Documents Required :
1. Contracting Parties must produce proof of their name(s)
** Birth Certificate
** Deed Poll
** Name Change

2. If previously married- proof of your present status.
** Death certificate
** Divorce
Absolute (all absolutes must bear the original seal of the issuing court)

Photo identification is required. The photo ID must carry the name(s) produced on birth certificate and supported by / Deed Poll/Name Change
i. For Locals- National Identification Cards
ii. For Non residents – Passports

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