Internet Banking : Bank of Guyana

Organization : Bank of Guyana
Facility : Internet Banking
Country : Guyana
Website :

Bank of Guyana Internet Banking

This facility operates in the same manner as telephone banking except you use the computer (internet) instead of the telephone to pay your utility bills (light, water and telephone) and transfer amounts from one account to another account at the same bank.

Related : Telephone Banking Bank of Guyana :

It is suited for people who have access to the internet. The programme is very user friendly and you can manage your accounts and pay your bills at your convenience and from the comfort of your home.

Benefits of Internet Banking :
** It is convenient because you can pay your bills on time and do not have to go to the utility company during the business hours.
** It saves time as it eliminates waiting in line at the utility company.

** It is safer because you do not have to walk around with cash to pay your utility bills.
** It is cheaper since the transaction cost is less than transportation cost to and from the utility company.

Cashless Banking Services :
Cashless banking services allow you to pay for goods and services without using banknotes or coins. Recent studies of consumer behavior showed immense increase in the use of cashless banking services because of its convenience and security.

With cashless banking services you don’t have to be afraid of losing cash while opening your wallet. It is also convenient when conducting certain transactions that involve huge amounts of cash (e.g. purchasing a car).

Related Post

Below is a list of some of the cashless banking services that are offered by the commercial banks in Guyana :
** Cheque
** Money Order
** Bank Draft
** Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT)

** Point-of-Sale (POS)
** Telephone Banking
** Internet Banking

Can I open a savings account at the Bank of Guyana?
NO. The Bank of Guyana acts as the Central Bank of Guyana. Its primary purpose is to formulate and implement monetary policy so as to achieve and maintain price stability. The other major purpose is to foster a sound, progressive and an effective financial system.

In the discharge of its functions, the Bank strives to :
** Promote a sustained and non-inflationary growth of the economy.
** Maintain the integrity and value of the Guyana dollar.
** Secure the credibility of the financial system, including payments arrangements, through supervision and oversight

What are the services/facilities available at the ATMs?
In addition to cash dispensing ATMs may have many services/facilities such as :
** Account information
** Deposits
** Summary Statements

Why should I open a current account?
A current account is a great way to store your money and helps you keep track of your spending. Current accounts are also very convenient.

About Us :
The Financial Literacy Programme was launched on February 06, 2009 and is an initiative of the Bank of Guyana. The Bank recognizes that there is an overwhelming need for educating the broad populace in financial matters that daily impact their lives.

The principal aim is to provide students, parents, youth organizations, homeowners, entrepreneurs, consumers and others with basic and essential financial knowledge to make informed financial decisions that could enhance their lives with greater economic security and subsequently translate into greater national wealth with higher economic growth and development.

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