dbd.go.th Commercial Registration Thailand : Ministry of Commerce

Organization : Ministry of Commerce
Facility : Commercial Registration
Country : Thailand
Website : https://www.dbd.go.th/

Commercial Registration :

Person who Have the Duties for Commercial Registration : Person who have duties for commercial registration is any individuals or group of individuals (ordinary partnership) or juristic person,

Related : Ministry of Commerce Partnership Registration Thailand : www.statusin.org/28293.html

including the juristic person according to foreign laws that has branches in Thailand and such above mentioned conducts the commercial businesses as specified by the Ministry of Commerce

Businesses that must conduct Commercial Registration. The Minister of Commerce issues the notification that person who conducts the businesses must conduct commercial registration as follows :
(1) Persons who conduct the rice mill businesses and saw factories using the machine

(2) Persons who conduct sales businesses of any one kind or several kinds of items with the income of more than 20 Baht per day or such items have total value of 500 Baht or above

(3) Agent who conducts the businesses of any one kind or several kinds of products and such products can be sold for more than 20 Baht per day

(4) Persons who conduct any one kind or several kinds of handicraft or industrial businesses and can sell the products for more than 20 Baht per day or such items have total value of 500 Baht or above in any days

(5) Persons who conduct marine, transportation businesses via steam launch or motor launch , transportation businesses via rail or tram, transportation via bus, sale by auction, land trading, lending, foreign exchange, note trading, banking, gambling, pawn businesses, and hotel businesses

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(6) Sale, rent, manufacturing of CASSETTE TAPES, CD, VDO, DVD or digital VDO for only the entertainment
(7) Sale of jewelry or accessories decorated with jewelry

(8) Trading the products or services by electronics via internet system, internet service, renting the areas for server, being the market for sale of products or services by electronics via internet system

(9) Internet Cafe service
(10) Karaoke service and service regarding listening to the song

(11) Game service
(12) Song booth service
(13) Factory for processing, craft, handicraft, retail and wholesale of ivory and products from ivory

Businesses under the Exemption of Commercial Registration :
Some commercial businesses are exempted from commercial registration are
(1) Stall businesses
(2) Businesses for religion or charities.

(3) Juristic Person’s businesses established by Act or Royal Decree
(4) Businesses of any Ministries / Sub-Ministries / Departments
(5) Businesses of any foundation / association / cooperative

When to Register :
** The registration of new commercial businesses must be within 30 days from the starting date of business
** The change of registered transactions according to (1) must be within 30 days from the changing date

** The liquidation of businesses must be within 30 days from the liquidation date
** The loss of commercial registration certificate must submit the request for replacement within 30 days from the date of loss

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