Partnership Registration Thailand :

Organization : Ministry of Commerce
Facility : Partnership Registration
Country : Thailand
Website :

Partnership Registration :

Partnership Registration – According to the Civil and Commercial Code

Related : Commercial Registration Thailand Ministry of Commerce :

Type of Partnership :
According to the Civil and Commercial Code, the partnership can be divided into 2 types as follows :
(1) Ordinary Partnership
(2) Limited Partnership

Ordinary Partnership :
Is that kind of partnership in which all the parthers are jointly and unlimitedly liable for all the obligations of the partnership

The ordinary partnership shall register as the juristic person or not. Therefore, the ordinary partnership can be divided into 2 types as follows :
(1). Non-registered Ordinary Partnership with no legal status as the juristic person
(2). Registered Ordinary Partnership with legal status as the juristic person

Limited Partnership :
Is that kind of partnership in which there are :
1. One or more partners whose liability is limited to such amount as they may respectively under the to contribute to the partnership, and

2. One or more partners who are jointly and unlimited liable for all the obligations of the partnership.

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Establishment of Partnership :
When two persons or above agree to invest in the ordinary partnership in one of the above mentioned type, the managing partner who is appointed from every partner must be responsible for requesting for the registration of such partnership to the officer at the commercial registration office that the head office of the partnership is located on. A limited partnership must be managed only by the partners with unlimited liability.

Registration of the Change Modification or Liquidation of Partnership
In case that partners of such partnership agree to change or modify any registered transactions, or the partners aim to liquidate the businesses, they shall request the registration of the change or modification of such transactions or registration of business liquidation at the commercial registration office that the head office of the partnership is located on.

The registration for the establishment, change, modification, or liquidation of businesses shall perform according to the method and criteria specified by the law and government’s rules.

Registered Transaction that the Partnership has to register to Modify or Change :
(1) Name of partnership
(2) Location of head office and / or branches
(3) Objective of Partnership

(4) Partners
(5) Managing Partner
(6) Limitation of Managing Partner’s Power

(7) Partnership’s Seal
(8) Other transactions that should be publicized
(9) Merging the partnership
(10) Transforming the partnership to company limited

Registration Partnership Baht
1. Registering the partnership for every amount of money
of no more than 100,000 Baht of the specified capital 100 Baht
and the fraction of 100,000 Baht shall be counted as 100,000 Baht
and such amount shall not below
    And such amount shall not be more than 5,000.-
2. Register for merging the partnership 2,000.-
3. Registering the modification of partnership 400.-
4. Registering the modification of objectives 400.-
5. Registering the change of location of head office and / or branches 400.-
6. Registering for new partners per person 300.-
7. Registering for partners’ resignation (no limit) 400.-
8. Registering the modification of capital
    8.1 Registering the capital decrease per person 300.-
    8.2 Registering the capital increase of partner for every amount
of the capital increase
(fraction of 100,000 Baht shall be counted as 100,000 Baht)
    And such amount shall not be no more than 5,000.-
9. Registering the change of items invested according to the number
of partners that change the capital
per person 300.-
10. Registering the change of type of partner per person 300.-
11. Registering the modification of managing partner 400.-
12. Registering the limitation of managing partner’s power and authority 400.-
13. Registering the modification of seal 400.-
14. Register other transactions that should be publicized 400.-
15. Registering the partnership’s liquidation 400.-
16. Registering the change of liquidators 400.-
17. Registering the modification of liquidator’s power and authority 400.-
18. Registering the modification of liquidation office 400.-
19. Registering the completeness of liquidation 400.-
Note : In case of adding new partners, shall calculate the fee according to the number
of persons who are added without realizing the amount of capital.


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