ktb.co.th SMS Alert Service Thailand : Krungthai Bank

Organization : Krungthai Bank
Facility : KTB SMS Alert Service
Country : Thailand
Website : https://krungthai.com/

KTB SMS Alert :

Just minimum service fee 15 Baht per month, you can have your own assistant to catch an eye on your accounts’ movement. KTB SMS Alert is available for you 24 hours everyday.

Related : KTB VTM Service Thailand Krungthai Bank : www.statusin.org/28300.html

Service :
KTB SMS Alert will inform the movement of your accounts directly to you registered mobile number once there is any financial transactions, 100 Baht or above, occurred to your savings and/or current accounts, except the fee deduction and the interest paid transactions.

** Apply/Terminate Service and Change Mobile Number at KTB Branches, ATM, ADM, KTB netbank and KTB Tele Banking 02 111 1111

** In case of applying via KTB Tele Banking 02 111 1111, Krungthai ATM or Visa Debit is necessary for verification
** Service available for individual customers only
** KTB SMS Alert will alert for transaction of Savings and Current accounts only

** Fee is immediately deducted once the applying is successed
** We provide an alert service to AIS, DTAC, TrueMove and Hutch mobile number only

Service Fee :
** 15 Baht per account per month
** 25 Baht per customer per month

Promotion :
For a new customer only : Pay 1 month Get 3 months*
Note : Transction of 100 Baht and over will be notified

Related Post

For more informations, please kindly contact
** Krungthai Bank, nationwide, click here to locate the nearest branch to you
** Call Center +662 111-1111

Terms & Conditions :
The Applicant hereby agrees to be bound and comply with the terms and conditions of the SMS Alert on Mobile Phone Service Use as follows :
1. The Applicant agrees and acknowledges that the use of SMS Alert on Mobile Phone is an alert service that provides convenience to the account owner in checking his/her account activities and other services provided by the Bank.

2. The Applicant is able to apply for such service at any of the Bank’s branches on the condition that the Applicant must have either a savings account or current account of at least one account with the Bank.

3. When the Applicant received an approval of service use, the Bank will send a message about SMS Alert service on mobile phone to the mobile phone number that the Applicant informed the Bank for using the service when there is any account activity and other service provided by the Bank.

4. Direct debit of account through Direct Account Debit system

4.1 The Applicant agrees to allow the Bank to make direct debit from the bank account specified in this Application through the account Direct Debit System to make payment of fees and all expenses relating to the service use according to this Application under the operating procedures and practices prescribed by the Bank.

4.2 In case where the Bank made account direct debit and/or transferred funds from the Applicant’s account through its Direct Debit System with error or deficiency by any case whatsoever, the Applicant agrees to allow the Bank to rectify such error or deficiency to be accurate in accordance with the truth with no need of the Bank to notify or seek consent from the Applicant in advance.

By this, the Applicant agrees to deem that all the documents that the Bank has prepared in relation to direct debit and/or funds transfer or any operation by the Bank with the bank account through such account Direct Debit System are accurate, valid and complete in all respects.

Tags: ktb.co.th
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