ksh.hu e-Shelf Service : Hungarian Central Statistical Office

Organization : Hungarian Central Statistical Office
Facility : e-Shelf Service
Country : Hungary
Website : https://www.ksh.hu/shelf
Register Here : https://www.ksh.hu/register

e-Shelf :

Registered users may access here their own e-Shelf, where they can save the purchased electronic publications and their internet annexes. Files (e.g. PDF, Excel-tables) stored here can be viewed at any time or downloaded to their own computer.

Related :  Consular Service, MFA Hungary Obtaining Birth, Marriage, Divorce or Death Certificate : www.statusin.org/28343.html

What to do for this?
** Register! Only your name, a password and a real e-mail address have to be given for this. Click on Registration button!
** For signing in, please give your e-mail address and password, then click on Sign in button

If you forget your password, you can change it by entering your e-mail address and then clicking on Forgotten password button.

After signing in, you can save your purchased electronic publications and internet annexes in your own e-Shelf, as well as view those having been already saved by activating the volume identifiers.

The volume identifiers can be found at the beginning of the volumes, on the imprint page, or on the cards of electronic publications.

The central information service of the Hungarian Central Statistical Office :
** provides information on all publicly available statistical data issued by HCSO either on internet or in paper-based publications.

** meets the demands for not publicly available statistical data and individual analyses.
** If the data request is directed to data compilations from not publicly available data which can be compiled within one working hour, HCSO meets the demand free of charge.

** The compensation fee of individual services which can be carried out in more than one working hour is HUF 60,000 +VAT / day.
** More details on meeting requests for statistical data can be found under the menu item Data requests.

** provides help in finding other information (on data collections, methodological and technical issues) searched for
** issues confirmation in the form of a stamped official document (on Identification code of enterprise, consumer price index, etc.);

** the charge for providing confirmation is HUF 7,000 + VAT
** sells publications issued by the HCSO, in the office of the Information service or via internet

** takes a position in questions of statistical classifications. The fee for preparing positions on classifications is HUF 7,000 + VAT
** Attention! In order to ensure uniform and consistent classifications it is only the central Information service of the HCSO that takes position, solely in writing!

About Us :
Designing and conducting surveys, recording, – proccessing and storing data, data analyses- and dissemination, protection of individual data.

The Office provides data for the parliament and public administration, social organizations, local authorities, scientific bodies, economic organizations, the general public and the media as well as for international organizations and users abroad.

Official data regarding the socio-economic situation as well as the changes in the population of the country are published by the HCSO. The publicity work of the office is based on the following guiding principles :
** Relevance,

** Impartiality and objectivity,
** Timeliness and punctuality,
** Coherence and comparability,

Postal Address :
H-1525 Budapest,
P.O. Box 51
H-1024 Budapest,
Fényes Elek
utca 14–18.
Phone: +36 (1) 345 6789
Fax: +36 (1) 345 6788
Opening hours :
Monday–Thursday: 9:00–15:00,
Friday: 9:00–13:00

Categories: Hungary
Tags: ksh.hu
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