MFA Biometric Passport Application Procedure Ghana

Name of the Organization : Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Regional Integration
Type of Facility : Biometric Passport Application Procedure
Country : Ghana

Website : http://mfa.gov.gh/index.php?id=76

Related : Ghana Immigration Service Ghanaian Biometric Passport : www.statusin.org/7878.html

Biometric Passport :

It is a passport that carries biodata that links the holder to the document. Biological features (biometric) that are usually used are : fingerprints, iris (eye) recognition and facial recognition (digital photograph). Ghana’s biometric passport uses fingerprint recognition and facial recognition.

A maximum of fifteen working days for the normal processing from the date of submission.

Guidelines for acquiring a biometric passport :
1. Applicants will purchase Application for a Republic of Ghana Passport Form from Designated Banks, EcoBank, Ghana Commercial Bank etc and will be given receipt.
2. Complete the passport application form. New applicant will attach a Birth Certificate and receipt from the bank Applicant owing an old Passport will attach the old passport and receipt from the bank and submit to Passport Application Centers (PAC) namely (Tamale, Sunyani, Kumasi Ho Accra Sekondi-Takoradi)
3. Upon submission Applicant biometric data will be captured and a picture taken at the PAC
4. Applicant will then be given a date for the collection of the passport.

Passport Application Centres :
These are the offices where the pass- port application forms can be submit- ted. Initially there will be seven (7) of them; two in Accra and one each at Ho, Tamale, Kumasi, Takoradi and Sunyani. The other Regions would be covered in due course. Arrangements are advanced for some of Ghana Missions to begin processing biometric passports soon.

Know More About Biometric Passport :

Why did Ghana change over to bio- metric passports :
The Ghanaian biometric passport is a counter-fraud measure being introduced to prevent identity theft and fraud. It also enables easy verification and proof of ownership.

Do I need to replace my current passport now :
The current Ghanaian passport remains valid until November 2015 when it will become invalid and has to be replaced with the new biometric passport.

What details will be stored in the bio- metric passport :
The passport will contain the same details as the current passport with the addition of biometrics (fingerprints and digital photographs).

What measures have been put in place to prevent foreigners from acquiring Ghanaian passports :
All the relevant security agencies are available to vet data presented on the forms as well as interviews conducted on suspected cases.

Can the passport be collected on behalf of another person :
No. All applicants must collect their passports in person.

Can my personal data be changed once entered :
No. Biometric data cannot be changed. You can however add to your historical (marital status) and demographic (change of address, educational status) data.

What measures have been put in place to ensure people do not forge the passport :
The Ghanaian biometric passport has been specially designed for Ghana and is embedded with several security features and information to enable its authenticity to be checked. Appropri- ate organizations will be equipped with means to check and authenticate its genuineness.

Would I need to provide my own passport pictures when submitting my Passport Application form :
No. Your pictures will be taken at the Passport Application Centre.

Can the passport form be submitted on my behalf :
No. All applicants must submit their forms in person. This will enable the PAC to capture the fingerprints, signature and photograph of the applicant.

How will the privacy of the individual be protected given that confidential data is provided on the application form :
The passport office has put in place strict measures to protect the privacy of the applicant. This includes various levels of physical and electronic security. The biometric information is also encoded to prevent easy access.

How long will it take to acquire a bio – metric passport :
A maximum of seven (7) days for the expedited processing from the date of submission.

The passport will not have a visible signature. Why :
The signature will not be visible but will be electronically embedded in the passport. It will be seen by immigration authorities using the appropriate equipment. It is an additional security feature.

What is the validity period of the biometric passport :
Five (5) years from the date of issue

The passport will not have a visible signature. Why :
Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Cras mattis consectetur purus sit amet fermentum.

Some applicants use false identities to acquire multiple Ghanaian passports : How will the biometric passport address this problem:
The use of the biometric passport data will restrict application to the owner- ship of only one passport at a time to one identity. Any attempt to acquire an additional passport with different details will be detected and offenders will be prosecuted for fraud.

If false information is provided on the application form to acquire a passport, what will the passport office do :
It is an offense to provide false informa- tion for the processing of a passport. Offenders will be prosecuted.

Will Ghanaians abroad be issued with biometric passports :
Yes. They qualify under the law and should apply through Ghana’s Missions abroad.

For More Details : http://mfa.gov.gh/index.php?id=40

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