eservices.gov.gh : Online Application For Birth Certificate Ghana

Name of the Organization : eServices Portal for Citizens/Residents of Ghana
Type of Facility : Apply For Birth Certificate
Country : Ghana

Website : http://www.eservices.gov.gh/BDR/SitePages/bdr-home.aspx

How To Apply For Birth Certificate In Ghana?

Just follow the below steps to apply for Birth Certificate in Ghana.

Related : Online Application For Finger Print Check/ Nominal Vetting Ghana : www.statusin.org/2842.html

1. The birth of every child is to be registered in the district where the birth occurred.
2. There is no de jure or de-facto discrimination between mothers and fathers in the registration process. The father’s name is entered even if the parents are not married.

3. It is the duty of the father or mother or both to report the birth of a child for registration. In the case of the death or the incapacity of the father and mother, one of the following persons is allowed by law to report the birth for registration.

(a) The owner of the premises in which the child is born.
(b) A person present at the birth
(c) A person having charge of the child to furnish the prescribed particulars of registration.

4. The informant will be required to produce evidence of birth, such as a clinical weighing card, (in the absence of this a baptismal certificate issued not more than 5 years after the birth of the child).

5. A Registration Assistant administers a questionnaire, (the Birth Report Form ‘A’) to the informant. Information thereby collected is recorded in the Register of Births following which a Birth Certificate is issued.

6. The birth should be registered, free of charge within 12 months of occurrence. Registration outside this period attracts a prescribed fee.

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7. The law establishing birth registration makes provision for late registration of births. It however, stipulates that the birth shall not be registered after the expiration of 12 months from the date of birth except with the written authority of the Registrar of births and Deaths and upon payment of the prescribed fee

8. The parent or child can apply for a certified copy of entry in the Register of births any time the need arises.

Note :
Only the full name of the child shall be used for the purposes of birth registration. Short forms of names and titles are not accepted.
The mothers name shall always be the full maiden name of the mother.

How To Do Birth Registration After 12 Months?

1. Informant reports birth at the nearest Registry Office in the locality where birth occurred.
2. Registration Assistant interviews Informant and partially completes Form ‘A’ and the Declaration Form.
3. Informant pays prescribed fee.

4. Informant declares the partially completed documents before a Commissioner of Oaths, Court Registrar or Notary Public supported by any of the following :
** Clinical Weighing/Notification of birth card
** Baptismal Certificate
** Extract from Family Records Book
** Affidavit from one of the parents

5. Registration Assistant attaches a covering letter to the declared documents to the Regional Registration Officer through the District Registration Office for approval and authority or otherwise.

6. Regional Registration officer returns the approved documents with his authority to the Registration Assistant.

7. Registration Assistant makes entry into the Register of Births and forwards the completed registration forms to the Central Registry Office through the District and Regional Registration offices for the finalisation and authentication of the certificate.

Who Is An Informant In Birth Registration?

According to the Registration of Births and Deaths Act of 1965(Act301) section 8 sub-section 3 it shall be the duty of the following persons (hereto referred as an informant) to furnish particulars (information) for birth registration.
** The father and the mother of the child.
** In case of deaths or incapacity of father and mother :-
** The occupier of the premises in which the child is born, if he has knowledge of the birth.
** A person present at birth
** A person having charge of the child to furnish the prescribed particulars for registration

Note :
A child cannot report his or her birth irrespective of age.
No birth should be reported for registration more than once.

Categories: Ghana

View Comments (33)

  • please can i get a copy of my birth certificate?
    if yes then how do i go about it

  • Ah, admin paaa, we are talking about birth certificate and you are talking about passport..... I've made payment online to register birth certificate for my son but there's no form to fill online for processing.

  • Please I've made the online payment for the birth certificate but I don't know the next step

  • I have been trying to apply for online birth certificate I can't find where to find the portal. Please what should I do?

  • please i've tried several times to register the online biometric birth certificate but i can't find the portal for the registration through the eservice.gov.gh link please

  • please i don't have the birth certificate and i want to get some and i prefer to register it online but the page is unavailable,what should I do now?

  • Please tell me if there is any link or online site to retrieve lost birth certificate or to check birth information.

  • How can I get a copy of my birth certificate? I was born in Sekondi but I don't live in Ghana.

    • From the Website :

      On-Line Data Entry Of Demographic Data For Applications For Biometric Passport:
      1. An application is required to purchase and complete the prescribe passport application forms sold at the designated banks.

      2. Attachments:
      i. A first time application should attach the light-green birth certificate issued by the Births and Deaths Registry
      ii. To replace an old passport the latter should be attached instead of a birth certificate.
      iii. To replace a missing passport, a police report on the loss and the light green birth certificate should attached.
      iv. Applicants below 18 years should attach the passport, National ID or Voter’s ID of one of the parents or guardian in addition to his or her own documents.
      v. Applicants seeking to change their names for the new passsport should first go through the normal process of changing a name and attach a copy of Gazette indicating the change of name.
      vi. The bank receipt should be attached to all applications.

      3. When the application form is fully completed and the appropriate original document(s) attached, the applicant has the following options:
      i. Proceed to a passport Application Centre to submit the application for processing.
      ii. Complete the passport Application form on the computer and transmit on-line to the to the Passport Application Centre before proceeding there to submit the completed original hard copy of the application with required attachments. At the Application Centre the applicant will no longer spend time waiting for his/her data to be type into the computer.

      4. The application form and its attachments will, however, be scrutinized by the vetting officers and thereafter scanned by staff. The picture and fingerprints of the applicant will then be captured and the applicant given a slip indicating the date of collection of the passport.

      5. It is only the entry of the applicant’s demographic data into the system that’s is to be done online by applicants and this constitutes only one step in the passport application process hence the use of the term online demographic data” and “not online passport application”

  • My father lost my birth certificate so many years ago. I am now 40 years of age. Can I still make another one since I need it now?

  • How do I get my child's name corrected? The surname and the middle name are in interchanged positions on the birth certificate

  • My daughter is 15 years registered at Bolg. I, had a hand written birth certificate. How do I get the typed one for her?

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