Apply for Driving Test : Isle of Man

Organization : Isle of Man Government
Facility : Apply for Driving Test
Country : Isle of Man
Website :

Apply for Driving Test :

Log in to Online Services prior to filling out this form if you wish to have a receipt of this payment held against your account. This will also allow us to pre-fill some of your Applicant Details.

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Please complete the form below, you will be asked to pay the relevant fee (Fees for Driving Tests). You will be contacted by post within 5 to 10 working days with an appointment date and time. Required fields are marked with *.

Applicant Details :
1. Title *
2. Surname *
3. Forename(s) *
4. Driving Licence Number

5. Address * – To find a specific address, enter your post code or the first line of your address in the address box, and click Search. Please note only Isle of Man addresses are valid.

6. Date of Birth *
7. Day time phone number *
8. Alternative Contact Number
9. Email Address *

Test availability :
1. Select Earliest Date when available for test *
2. Choose Preferred day of test
3. Periods when unavailable for test – Specify any periods when you are not available for the test (e.g. Holiday or business absence)

Other Details :
1. Type of vehicle to be used for test *
2. Physical Disabilities *

Related Post

3. Are you applying for a Test following a disqualification in order to regain your licence?
4. Motoring Offence Details

5. Have you ever taken a Driving test before for the same type of vehicle in the IoM?
6. Name of Driving Instructor *

7. Theory test certificate number
8. Theory test date taken
9. CBT Certificate Number
10. CBT date completed

Terms & Conditions :
No driving test will be started :
** if the correct fee has not been paid in full
** if an out of date or invalid insurance certificate is presented at the time of test

** if an out of date driving licence is produced
** if an inappropriate driving licence is produced
** if the vehicle is not licensed (taxed)
** if the vehicle is not suitable for the test (see note)

** if the vehicle has a mechanical defect
** (for motorcycles) the rider is inappropriately dressed
** if the vehicle does not have enough fuel to complete the test

** if you turn up more than 10 minutes after the appointment time
** if the weather conditions are so bad it would not be safe*
** if an examiner fails to turn up for work*

No refunds will be given if less than 7 working days notice are given. A written application can be made if claiming exceptional circumstances for example medical emergencies.

** if test cancelled due to weather conditions the fee is not forfeited
** if an examiner fails to turn up for work the fee is not forfeited © 2022 Contact Us   Privacy Policy   Site Map