energo-pro.bg Electricity bill checking : Bulgaria

Organization : ENERGO-PRO Varna JSC
Facility : Electricity bill checking
Country : Bulgaria
Website : https://www.energo-pro.bg/en/Electricity-bill-checking
Check Payment Here : https://www.energo-pro.bg/en/Payment-schedule

Electricity Bill Checking :

** Please enter your 10-digit customer number in order to check your electricity bill.

Related : Registration of an Employment Contract Invest Bulgaria Agency : www.statusin.org/11305.html

** Please take into consideration the information for the due amounts on the site is updated periodically.
** All liabilities paid before the date of the update will not be seen as due amounts.

** We’d love to hear from you! To get more information about your consumption, invoice or payment, please contact us through the following 24-hour company call center at 0700 1 61 61.

ENERGO-PRO Sales changed the final dates for payment of electricity bills for part of its customers from August 2016.
1. Enter your Customer Number
2. Click on the Search button

Check your final date for payment :
** Please, enter your 10-digit customer number to check your final date for payment.
** ENERGO-PRO Sales plans to change the final dates for payment of electricity bills for part of its customers from August 2016.

The current final dates for payment of the bills for consumed energy – the 10th, 15th or 25th of each month – will be changed to the 1st or 10th of the month from August 2016 onwards.

** Please have in mind that the deadline for payment of electricity bills for household customers is individual.
** For further enquiries you may contact the operators on the 24-hour telephone line – 0700 1 61 61.

Electronic Invoice FAQ :

What is an Electronic Invoice?
** It is an official accounting document
** An electronic analogue of your original paper invoice
** Document received by email and meeting the requirements of the Electronic Document and Electronic Signature Act

How do I request the service?
The necessary documents for electronic invoice application are: Formal declaration according to template :
** Declaration for Individuals / Declaration of Legal Entities
** Copy of documents identifying your rights – power of attorney / contract / other

Where should I file the papers?
Scanned form on service AT energo-pro.bg
By postal address: Varna 9009, 258 Vladislav Varnenchik Blvd.,
Varna Towers, Tower G
By fax to 052 577 665
The most convenient Customer Service Center

Do I need an electronic signature?
** To receive an electronic invoice from ENERGO-PRO, you do not need an electronic signature
** You need to have a valid email address, internet access, and a PDF file opening program

About Us :
In the end of June 2012 ENERGO-PRO purchased the business of the German company E.ON in Bulgaria and thus acquired companies, holding licenses for the following activities in the energy sector :
** Distribution of electricity (ENERGO-PRO Grid AD);

** Electricity supply (ENERGO-PRO Sales AD);
** Electricity trading and coordinator of standard balancing group (ENERGO-PRO Energy Services EOOD).

The license territory of ENERGO-PRO Grid AD and ENERGO-PRO Sales AD is nearly 30,000 square kilometers and covers 9 administrative regions in Northeastern Bulgaria Varna, Veliko Tarnovo, Gabrovo, Dobrich, Razgrad, Ruse, Silistra, Targovishte and Shumen.

For the good quality customer service of the clients of ENERGO-PRO Grid AD and ENERGO-PRO Sales AD are dedicated 11 Customer Service Centers located in 11 cities in Northeastern Bulgaria and a 24 hour Call Center 0700 161 61.

Contact Us :
Varna Towers, Tower G
258 Vladislav Varnenchik Blvd
9009 Varna

Categories: Bulgaria
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