orpp.or.ke Check Your Membership Status : Office Of The Registrar Of Political Parties

Organization : Office Of The Registrar Of Political Parties
Facility : Check Your Membership Status
Country : Kenya
Website : https://orpp.or.ke/

Check Your Membership Status :

Please enter the below details,

Related : Kenya Public Service Commission Check Application Status : www.statusin.org/28615.html

1. Enter your Id Number
2. Click on the Search Now button

About Us :
The establishment of the Office of the Registrar of Political Parties dates back to 1952 when Societies Ordinance became the legal regime that governed political parties.

This law came into operation at the beginning of the declaration of the state of emergency by the colonial authorities in Kenya.

Like all other ordinances in 1968, this legislation was transformed into an Act of parliament without even the slightest alteration to its provisions becoming the Societies Act (Cap.108) which provided for the registration of societies.

The administration of the societies under the aforementioned Act was vested under the Registrar of Societies.

Political parties were therefore registered under this legislation with the same legal status as other organizations such as funeral clubs, professional associations, welfare societies, women groups, among others.

FAQs :
1. How do i get cleared as an independent candidate?
An applicant must submit :
** An application letter of request for clearance.
** A copy of ID, and
** A fee of Kshs500 (Five Hundred Shillings).

For efficiency, a candidate is encouraged to submit a symbol (printed, and in a CD – softcopy) they intend to use for verification purpose before submission to IEBC.

2. What do I do when a party fraudulently enlisted me?
The Registrar will delete your details. Send a complaint e-mail with National Identification Number included to info [AT] orpp.or.ke

3. How do I resign from a political party?
Write a letter of resignation. Address it to the secretary general of the party from which you are resigning. Submit copies of the letter, and your ID to our offices, or scan and e-mail to info [AT] orpp.or.ke

4. How much does it cost to register a political party?
The fees payable to the Office of the Registrar :
** Search fee – Kshs. 500.00
** Provisional registration – Kshs. 100,000.00
** Full registration – Kshs. 500,000.00

5. What is the duration required after registration for a party to participate in an election?
Once a political party has receiving a certificate of full registration it can participate in any subsequent election. A party should however note the election timelines as set out by the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission.

6. How do I register a political party?
** The Political Parties Act, 2011 provides for the registration, regulation and funding of political parties.
** There are two steps of registering a political party
** Provisional registration.

Applicants are required to :
** Name Search: Name, symbol and colour.
** Provide Party Constitution.
** Submit Minutes of the founding members.
** Sign Code of Conduct.
** Submit written application filed in the prescribed form.
** Pay prescribed fee (Ksh. 100,000.00) in bankers cheque.

Full registration Requirements :
** 1000 members in at least 24 counties : regional diversity, gender, minorities and marginalized
** Governing body: 2/3 gender principle; Chapter 6 of the Constitution; Integrity test in accordance with the Leadership and Integrity Act, 2012.; List of names address and IDs of members
** Location and address of Head Office and at least 24 county offices
** Duly signed Code of conduct
** Prescribed fee (Ksh. 500,000.00) in bankers cheque

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