agriculture.gov.bb Pesticides Licensing & Registration : Barbados

Organization : Ministry of Agriculture
Facility : Pesticides Licensing & Registration
Country : Barbados
Website : http://www.agriculture.gov.bb/agri/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=254:pesticides-registration&catid=68:plant-protection&Itemid=175

Pesticides Licensing & Registration :

Licensing is required by individuals and businesses who wish to apply for permission to import chemicals to be used as pesticides.

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Prerequisites :
The process for accessing the service is as follows :
1. A person who desires to sell a pesticide which he imports or manufactures shall apply to the Secretary of the Pesticides Control Board to register the pesticide on such form as the Secretary shall prescribe.

The Application for Registration of a Pesticide form may be obtained from the Ministry of Agriculture or online
2. A person making an application for registration shall complete ALL the particulars of the form accurately and in detail

3. Persons seeking approval for registration of a pesticide shall annex, in separate folders, to each application for registration :
** Physical and chemical properties of the compound(s)

** Scientific literature on the manner of use and the effectiveness of the pesticides (including efficacy trials)
** Summary reports from scientific and research institutes on toxicology, first aid and medical advice

** Summary reports from scientific and research institutes on eco toxicology
** Summary reports from scientific and research institutes on environmental fate studies

** Analytical methods for the active ingredient in the formulation and residues of the pesticide in agricultural produce, soil and water
** Residue levels in food likely to result from recommended rates, timing, frequency and method of application

** Material Safety Data Sheet of the formulation
** The type of proposed packaging, for example, size of container (ml, L, g, kg), description of container and method of attachment of label

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** Certified copy of the certificate of registration, certificate of free sale or equivalent document issued by the country of origin and/or issued by the competent authority in Caribbean country.

Included should be the conditions under which the product may be sold in that country
** A certified assay report on a recent batch of the product analysed.

List of references cited must be given in each folder
4. Justification should be given for any data that cannot be submitted at the time, and if relevant, an estimate as to the period when the data would be provided

5. Application shall be made in respect to each pesticide separately

6. Two copies of the proposed packing label of the pesticide shall be attached to the application for registration, as well as two copies of any instructions or any proposed instruction accompanying or intended to accompany each package of pesticide.

These labels shall be in accordance with the instructions set out in the Pesticides Control (labelling of Pesticides) Regulations, 1976

Steps :
** Submit to the Pesticides Unit of the Ministry of Agriculture, Graeme Hall, Christ Church, a copy of the completed application Form 1 for new registrations and application Form 3 for renewals

** Include two copies of the original label and the other required information

** This information is then assessed and the Pesticides Control Board sanctions registration of the chemical for use in Barbados. Approved licenses are issued for sale or manufaction for the chemical. The client will be contacted on completion of the process

Outcome :
Once the chemical is sanctioned by the Board a license is issued for the sale or manufacture of Pesticides. These licenses are valid for a year.

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