Monamodi Funeral Plan : BancABC Botswana

Organization : BancABC, African Banking Corporation of Botswana Limited
Facility : Monamodi Funeral Plan
Country : Botswana
Website :

Monamodi Funeral Plan :

The policy will pay a lump sum benefit in the event of death of policyholder, 6 nominated children, 4 parents and parents in-law and 12 extended family members.

Related : BancABC African Banking Corporation Botswana Internet banking :

The product will require no medical underwriting.

Qualifying Criteria :
Product Features :
** The maximum number of children per member is 6
** The maximum number of parents and parents in-iaw that can be included for cover per member is 4

** The maximum number of extended family members that can be covered is 12
** These rates include accident benefit on member and spouse of 1 times basic cover up to a maximum of P20,000 in addition to the death benefit

** These quotes include accident benefit on dependent members of 1 times basic cover, in addition to the death benefit
** There will be a waiting period of 4 months for new members, spouses and parents

** There is no waiting period on accidental death
** No medical underwriting required

Eligibility :
** Minimum age at entry for life cover – 21years
** Maximum age at entry for life cover – 55 years

** Termination age for life cover and accidental death – 70 years
** Maximum age at entry for capital disability – 55 years
** Maximum termination age for capital disability – 70 years

About Us :
One of the core values that forms the foundation upon which BancABC operates is its focus on people. We recognize that within and outside our organization, people are the single most important success factor.

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By creating a participative environment that empowers people to realize their aspirations, we have established an evolving culture that inspires, uplifts and motivates our people to achieve their true potential.

BancABC also provides unique career opportunities for talented people looking to make a difference in reshaping Africa’s social and financial landscape.

The Bank implements rigorous recruitment practices to identify individuals who can contribute to the growth of the organisation. BancABC is a strong subscriber to the reward for performance principle.

Characteristics :

Member/Spouse 7,500 10,000 15,000 20,000 25,000 30,000 50,000
Child 16-21 7,500 10,000 15,000 20,000 25,000 30,000 50,000
Child  9-15 3,000 5,000 7,500 10,000 12,500 15,000 25,000
Child  6-8 3,000 5,000 7,500 10,000 12,500 15,000 25,000
Child 0-5
(incl still born)
2,000 3,000 3,000 5,000 6,000 7,500 12,500
Member only P9.72 P12.92 P19.40 P28.70 P35,15 P37,40 P60.48
Member & Family P18.81 P26.10 P39.15 P58.70 P72,00 P77,09 P125.55

Legacy Life Cover :
** This product is designed to assure the life of the policyholder in the event of death. Upon survival of the policyholder to the 15th policy year, there will be a return of the total premiums paid up to that date, increased by 20%.

** There is no waiting period.
** This is a level premium product i.e. premiums fixed for the duration of your policy giving you peace of mind.

Product features :
** Return of premiums paid only upon survival to the 15th year of the policy for premiums paid over 15 consecutive claim free years.

** This is a once off benefit, i.e. no further cashbacks will be paid. Instead the benefit will be increased by 20% of the total premium paid up to the 15th year.
** The term of the policy is as chosen by policyholder but subject to the minimum of 15 years and limited by the termination age of 70 years.

** No minimum or maximum sum assured on the life cover, provided that minimum premium of P200 is achieved.
** Cover on the capital disability benefit cannot exceed P3 million or 7.5 times the insured’s annual income.
** Sum assured on accidental death cannot exceed the death cover

Qualifying Criteria :
** Minimum age at entry for life cover – 21years
** Maximum age at entry for life cover – 55 years
** Termination age for life cover and accidental death – 70 years
** Maximum age at entry for capital disability – 55 years
** Maximum termination age for capital disability – 70 years

Contact Address :
BancABC Head-Office
BancABC House
Plot 62433
Fairgrounds Office Park
Tel : +267 367 4300
Fax : +267 3901583
Email :

Categories: Botswana

View Comments (3)

  • Sipho Sibanda

    I am really interested to join your policy but i am not banking with you can i be assisted
    my email is siphosibanda47 AT copy to admin AT

  • Iam not banking with Bancabc, and am not working but i can manage to pay my policy.

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