Obtaining a Bahamian Passport : Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Organization : Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Facility : Obtaining a Bahamian Passport
Country : Bahamas
Website :

Obtaining a Bahamian Passport :

Citizens of The Bahamas in need of an identity/travel document must apply to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in order to :

Related : Applying Visitor Visa Ministry of Foreign Affairs Bahamas :

** Obtain their first passport.
** Renew their existing passport.

All passports are valid for a period of 5 years (for persons under the age of 16) and 10 years (for persons 16 years and older). You may submit your application online by selecting the go to service button.

Eligibility :
You can apply for a Bahamian passport if you are a citizen of The Bahamas by either :
** Birth, and you did not relinquish your citizenship prior to applying for a passport
** Registration or naturalisation (through approval of the Immigration Department)

** Descent (you were born to a parent who was a Bahamian citizen at the time of your birth).
** Legal Adoption (you were adopted by a citizen of The Bahamas in The Bahamas).

Process :
Step 1 : Upon arrival at the Passport Office, a number is assigned to the applicants. This will determine the order in which they will be served. Please note, medical and other legitimate emergencies with documentary proof will receive prompt attention.

Step 2 : Applicants’ documents will be reviewed by an officer to ensure they have met all the requirements. Original documents and copies of the same are required. All applicants must be present. Minors are to be accompanied by their parents or authorized individual.

Step 3 : Approximately 40-60 applicants will be allowed inside the building and are expected to be cooperative and seated in an orderly manner. The normal wait period is 20-30 minutes however this can be extended to 3+ hours during peak periods (Summer, Thanksgiving and Christmas).

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Office hours are 8.30 a. m – 3.45 p.m. During the peak periods, the office could be closed earlier than usual to accommodate the large number of customers on the inside.

Step 4 : When the applicant’s name is called, he/she must proceed to the respective window. The enrollment process begins. Personal data and biometrics (fingerprints/ e-signatures) are captured (if applicable). Original documents are returned to the customers.

Step 5 : Three (3) copies of the receipt are given to the applicant and the collection date is highlighted. Applicants are advised to bring the current passport and /or police report if same is lost/damaged/stolen as well as the receipt in order to collect the new e-passport.

Applicants are directed to the cashiers to pay the requisite fees (15 years and under $25.00; 15 1/2 years and over $50.00). Applicants are free to leave after payment. Failure to pay, results in delays in e-passport processing.

Note : Each document goes through eight (8) stages of processing; customers are advised to plan ahead to meet their obligations. Official deadline for all citizens to have an electronic travel document in their possession is 24 November, 2015.

Important :
** All Applicants Must Be Present At The Passport Office For Enrollment / Registration
** Photocopies Must Be Submitted With All Original Documents.

** All Affidavits of birth and name change must have been registered at the REGISTRAR GENERAL’S OFFICE.
** All Affidavits of birth must be accompanied by search card and Hospital / Clinic Records Letter with a ten($10.00) stamp affixed to it.

** Minors must be accompanied by a properly documented legal guardian.
** Father’s accompanying minors must present proof of legal guardianship e.g. parents certified marriage certificate.

** If court appointed guardianship was granted, the legal document and a valid passport of the legal guardian(s) are required.

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