Mobile Banking : Bank of The Bahamas

Organization : Bank of The Bahamas Limited BOB
Facility : Mobile Banking
Country : Bahamas
Website :

Mobile Banking :

As iPhones, BlackBerrys, Androids and other smart phones become more widely available, mobile banking is becoming the newest, fastest way to bank.

Related : Bank of The Bahamas Apply for BOB Gift Card :

With mobile banking, you can check your account balance, transfer funds, pay a bill, even apply for a loan from wherever you are.

Key Features :
** Secure
** Low cost
** 24 hour access to accounts, 7 days a week
** Ability to transact full range of banking functions remotely

You are a perfect candidate for Mobile banking if :
** your work or life requires that you move around a lot or travel often
** you have little time to stand in line
** you own a smart phone
Take advantage of banking on the go with the ease of using your phone!

Funds Transfer Services :
Need to send funds to another party within The Bahamas or another country?

BOB offers several transfer options:
SWIFT Wire Transfer :
** Send funds to another financial institution almost anywhere in the world for a minimum commission plus government stamp tax. All you need is the SWIFT code for the bank, name of the beneficiary and account number. No preset limits once within Central Bank regulations. Transfer of funds typically takes one to two days depending on the destination. Exchange fees apply for foreign currency transactions.

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MoneyGram® :
** Send up to $1000 anywhere in the world with BOB and MoneyGram®. Simply fill out a form and our automated network will ensure your funds are transferred safely and quickly. Minimum cost is $12 and funds arrive within 10 minutes.

Telephone Transfers :
** BOB also provides an easy option to send and receive money inter-island by telephone transfers (TTs). Ask about this service at any of our conveniently located branches in New Providence, Grand Bahama, Andros, Exuma, San Salvador, Cat Island and Inagua.

Standing Orders :
** Standing orders are instructions given by a BOB account holder to be executed at the same time each month or week. A standing order can be used to transfer money between accounts, pay bills via cheque issuance or transfer funds locally or internationally.
** To place your orders simply fill out a form at the branch nearest you with the desired instructions including commencement and end dates. Fees will vary depending on the nature of the transaction(s).

About Us :
When Bank of The Bahamas received the Euromoney Award for Excellence this year for the fourth time and was named Best Bank in The Country by The Banker, part of the Financial Times Group, for the third time during the same fiscal year, it was an historic milestone in the nation and for the young bank.

No other Bahamian bank had ever come close to achieving such international recognition. Yet Managing Director Paul McWeeney hesitated to publicize the two awards, believing the news should be shared with shareholders and stakeholders as opposed to making it a reason for boasting when so many in the nation are still struggling.

The Bank, he believes, should continue to do what it has done to grow from infancy 24 years ago to where it is now, rather than basking in recognition.

Contact Us :
Bank of The Bahamas Limited
1st Floor Claughton House
Shirley & Charlotte Streets
P. O. Box N-7118
Nassau, The Bahamas

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