invest.gov.ma Procedure to Create a Company : Morocco

Organization : Invest in Morocco
Facility : Steps to Create a Company
Country : Morocca
Website : http://www.invest.gov.ma/?lang=en&Id=85

Create a Company :

STEP 1 : Negative certificate
** The negative certificate is a document that certifies that the trade name applied for is not already used and can be used for registration in the Commercial Register.

Related : Invest in Morocco One Stop Shop Service : www.statusin.org/29171.html

** It is delivered by OMPIC for a period of one year.

** After that period of one year, negative certificates withdrawn and not deposited for registration in the Commercial Register are  cancelled.
** After a period of one month, negative certificates not withdrawn are cancelled.

STEP 2 : Establishment of statutes
** The statutes are a set of contractual provisions which define the rules applicable to a given legal situation.
** They may take two forms : a notarial or private act.

STEP 3 : Establishment of share allotment letters and transfer acts : The share allotment letter is a document to be completed in case of participation in the capital of the company. It is a promise of cash contribution.

STEP 4 : Blocking the amount of paid-up capital
** The deposit shall be made within 8 days of receipt of the funds by the company.
** A certificate of the blocking of the paid-up capital is delivered by the bank.

STEP 5 : Establishment of the declaration of share allotment and the remittance : The ballots drawn up by the notary and the certificate of blocking the paid-up capital of the bank

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STEP 6 : Deposit of acts of company creation and formalities of registration : The company creation files are processed at the Regional Investment Center by the representatives of the different administrations involved in the creation.

STEP 7 : Patent and tax ID registration
Concerned entity :
Regional Directorate of Taxes represented within the Regional Center of Investment

Required documents :
For the business tax :
** license or diploma for the regulated activities
** agreement in principle for the classified establishments
** lease contract or domiciliation attestation by a legal entity

STEP 8 : Registration within the commercial register
Concerned companies :
All commercial companies except for joint-venture companies.
Concerned entity :
Commercial Court represented within the Regional Center of Investment

STEP 9 : Affiliation to the social security administration (CNSS)
Concerned companies :
All commercial companies except for joint-venture companies.
Concerned entity :
Commercial Court represented within the Regional Center of Investment

STEP 10 : Publication in a legal announcement gazette and the official bulletin : Once the company is registered in the commercial register and within a period not exceeding one month, two advertisements are compulsory in a legal announcement gazette and the Official Bulletin.

Moussanada Program :
Moussanada Program aims at following through seven hundred (700) companies in their endeavors to modernize and improve their productivity, in the framework of progress plans which comprise several follow-through actions. All of these actions purport to help companies boost their performance, optimize their productivity, and access new markets.

Functional programs are thus launched to improve productivity and to speed up the use of information technologies within firms, bringing about enhanced competitiveness factors, in terms of reduction in costs, shortening of lead-times, and improvement in the quality delivered.

Contact Address :
Complexe Administratif et
Culturel de la Fondation
Mohamed VI sis Avenue Allal El Fassi,
Madinat Al Irfane,
Hay Riad – Rabat – Maroc
N° Invest Info : +212 5 37 22 64 00
Phone : + 212 537 22 64 00
Fax : + 212 537 67 34 17 / 42
Email : info AT invest.gov.ma

Categories: Morocco
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