Good Morning Saving : Serbia

Organization : Sberbank
Facility : “Good Morning” Term Deposit
Country : Serbia
Website :

Good Morning Saving :

Unique savings product of the Sberbank is now available to legal entities too. We provide you with the possibility to open additional dinar and foreign currency savings accounts with daily added interest in addition to existing current account.

Related : Sberbank Online Banking Serbia :

For all funds transferred to „Good morning“ savings account until 8 pm, interest , will be added at 8 am next morning .
Because your e-banking account allows you to manage your funds as you wish every day.

Good morning“ savings of the Sberbank is a unique and first ever such type of savings in Serbia, which is now available to all legal entities, companies, small businesses, entrepreneurs and businessmen.

We provide you with the possibility to open additional dinar and foreign currency savings accounts with daily added interest in addition to current account. For all funds transferred to „Good morning“ savings account until 8 pm, interest will be added at 8 am next morning .

Funds are available to you every day from 8 am to 8 pm, and you can transfer them back, to your current account if you want. Transfer of funds to “Good morning” savings accounts, as well as their partial of full transfer to current account is performed by you, personally, through your e-banking account.

The minimum deposit amount for entrepreneurs is RSD 95. The minimum deposit amount for small businesses is RSD 72, or 300 EUR.

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Current interest rates for “Good morning” savings for entrepreneurs :
1. Interest applied to dinar savings – 1,85% NIR 1,88% EIR
2. Interest applied to savings in Euros – 0,40% NIR0,34% EIR

Representative example :
Good Morning saving in RSD – If customer set 10.000 RSD for 1 day at nominal interest rate of 1,88% on annual level. Daily interest rate to be credited to the clients account is 0,51 RSD. No additional costs and fees.

Good Morning saving in RSD – If customer set 10.000 RSD for 1 day at nominal interest rate of 0,40% on annual level. Daily interest rate to be credited to the clients account is 0.09 EUR. No additional costs and fees.

Current interest rates for “Good morning” savings for small businesses :
1. Interest applied to dinar savings – 1,85% NIR 1,88% EIR
2. Interest applied to savings in Euros – 0,40% NIR 0,34% EIR

Representative example :
Good Morning saving in RSD – If customer set 10.000 RSD for 1 day at nominal interest rate of 1,85% on annual level. Daily interest rate to be credited to the clients account is 0,51 RSD. No additional costs and fees.

Good Morning saving in RSD – If customer set 10.000 RSD for 1 day at nominal interest rate of 0,40% on annual level. Daily interest rate to be credited to the clients account is 0.09 EUR. No additional costs and fees.

Note :
Sberbank participates in the system of obligatory deposit insurance established in the Republic of Serbia– Deposit insurance agency

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