DAPH Import/Export Online Application Status Check Sri Lanka

Name of the Organisation : Department of Animal Production And Health
Type of Facility : Check Application Status Online
Country : Sri Lanka

Website : https://daph.gov.lk/

Related : DAPH Procedure For Import,Export Sri Lanka : www.statusin.org/852.html

Check Your Application Status :

About DAPH :
The Department of Animal Production and Health (DAPH) is the state organization which is responsible for providing technical leadership to the livestock Industry and its stakeholders in Sri Lanka. The DAPH, which is located in Peradeniya, in the Hill Capital of Kandy, Sri Lanka is being functioned under the Ministry of Livestock and Rural Community Development.

Insert your Reference Number to check the application status

Check Status : https://daph.gov.lk/

Contact DAPH :
General Numbers :

Procedure for Importation of Dogs and Cats into Sri Lanka :
1. Application :
The applicant should submit an online application form using Form ‘FO/VRA/01’, to the Director General, Department of Animal Production and Health (Contact, 0094 81 2388120 Ext 231), 7days prior to intended date of import.

2. Health Certificates :
Health requirement for the importation of dogs and Cats into Sri Lanka are as follows.

2.1. Dogs :
2.1.1. International Veterinary Health Certificate
Issued by the Government Veterinary Authority in the exporting country, attesting that;
** Dog Identity with a Microchip Number.

Related Post

** Dog has been kept in the exporting country since birth or for the six (o6) months period immediately prior to export to Sri Lanka;
** The animal was found to be free of any infectious or any contagious diseases at the time of dispatch;

** The animal was not in contact with animals showing clinical sign of any infectious or contagious disease including Aujeszky’s disease, Filariasis, Leptospirosis, Rabies, Canine distemper, Infectious hepatitis, Canine parvo virus infection, and Dermatomycosis for a period of minimum three (03) months immediately prior to embarkation;

** The exporting country of the animal is either free from rabies. If not, the origin of the animal is an area free from quarantine restrictions for rabies and not within a radius of 25 km from the nearest known case of rabies during the period of minimum six (06) months immediately prior to embarkation;

2.1.2. Blood Test Reports :
** Negative test results for heartworm (Dirofilaria immitis) with (ELISA/PCR//Knott’s) test done 7 days prior embarkation. If not the country free status declared a government veterinarian.
** Negative test results for blood parasites including Babesiosis and Leishmaniasis.

2.1.3. Vaccination Records :
** Against Rabies using an anti-rabies vaccine conforming to the potency standard given by the World Health Organization (WHO), not less than thirty (30) days and not more than six (06) months immediately prior to embarkation;

In case of puppies under the age of three (03) months, the dam of the animal had vaccinated not less than (30) days but not more than six (06) months prior to the birth of this animal;

** The animal was vaccinated against Canine Distemper, Infectious Hepatitis, Leptospirosis, Canine parvo virus infection using recognized vaccines,not less than twenty one (21) days and not more than four (04) months immediately prior to embarkation;

2.1.4. Parasitic Treatment Records :
** The animal was treated with a broad- spectrum anthelminthic recognized for its ability to eliminate internal helminths of dog, within seven (07) days prior to shipment
** The animal was treated for external parasites within seven (07) days immediately prior to shipment using a reliable parasiticide.

Categories: Sri Lanka
Tags: daph.gov.lk
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