Apply for Travel Pre-registration : Qatar

Organization : Hukoomi, Government of Qatar
Facility : Apply for Travel Pre-registration
Country : Qatar
Website :!ut/p/a0/PY6xDsIwDES_hSFzUtjYKhaYO0C7mdZKraZO5Ljh90kGmO6e3g1nJ_uyE0MhD0qRIVQeP_N-TaCr6S79_dhi3Ml0Z_fEd4tbZEVW437KDSiFZszGPXihQssBoS0DVGTfagLffNQVJf_nKlAwJEFBT7lS-2AHZJu2_vQFYHxfKQ!!/
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Apply Travel Pre-registration :

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs provides this service to the citizens to register their information before traveling abroad.

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This is aimed at reaching them in case of emergency in the country where they are staying as well as warning and guiding them.

Online Instructions :
** Fill in the online application and enter all the required information, including your personal information, trip information and emergency contact.
** Press “Save” to submit your request.

Additional Information :
** Service may be obtained through the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or the ministry’s smart phone app.
** Service is available 24/7.

Fees :
No fees are required for this service. Please enter the following details for registration,
Personal information :
1. Full Name
2. National ID Optional
3. Email address Optional
4. Mobile in Qatar

Trip Information :
5. Country
6. City
7. Address Optional
8. From Date
9. To Date
10. Mobile in Destination Optional
11. Purpose Of The Travel

FAQs :
1. Are all the services free?
Many services are free, but not all. Some services, such as the exit permit, require a processing fee, which can be paid online. Further information is available on each service page.

User registration is free, as are all information, instructions and downloadable documents available on Hukoomi.

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2. How do I find the right service?
If you know exactly what you are looking for, go ahead and type the name of the service in the Search bar, which is always located on the top right corner.

If you only have a vague idea, you can go to the Services section, and browse by category on the left menu. You can also click to see the entire list of services, then filter the results with a specific agency or audience group.

3. How do I know when to apply online or in person?
While the answer depends on what you prefer, the general trend is that more and more government services are going online. Just a few years ago, many of these e-services were not even possible!

E-Services are fast, secure and they save you from much of the paperwork and queuing in government offices. Despite all these advantages, not all services can be completed electronically. Details on application procedures are listed on each service page in simple, step-by-step point form.

4. How do I use Services?
The Services section enlists hundreds of government services. Some of these pages provide only instructions, while others contain links to downloadable documents, services hosted on external links, and e-services.

E-services hosted by Hukoomi allow users to complete their transactions from start to finish electronically. Examples of e-services include the various visa and Driving License applications.

Within each service, there are two boxes on the bottom of the page : one with links to related services, and the other with contact information of the service provider. This is meant to help steer users to the right services and agencies.

5. How long do applications take?
Wait times have improved in recent years as government agencies adopt new technology to process their applications. Many agencies now offer SMS and mobile notifications to alert you of when an application is completed.

Some services take even less time than that – in just minutes! Exit permits and many visit visas, for example, can be issued instantly through Hukoomi.

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