President’s Fund Financial Assistance Application For Medical Treatment Sri Lanka

Name of the Organization : President’s Fund of Sri Lanka
Type of Facility : Financial Assistance Application For Medical Treatment
Country : Sri Lanka
Website :

President’s Fund Financial Assistance Application

Instructions to Applicants :
The financial assistance given by the President Fund is a charity. Please read the instructions and perfect and submit the Application Form only if you are a fit person to receive such charity.

Related : President’s Fund Status Search Online Sri Lanka :

Step 1 : Obtaining an Application Form
Following documents have to be produced for this purpose
(i) Doctor’s recommendation (original)
(ii) An estimate of expenses obtained from the hospital concerned(original)
(iii) A letter of request from the patient or the person applying on his or her behalf If the application form is downloaded from the website, the above documents should be submitted with the application to the President’s Fund.

Step 2 : Issue of Application Form – A temporary reference number will be assigned at this stage.

Step 3 : Submission of the perfected Application Form All the cages No. 1 – 13 should be filled. Please a void drawing lines or leaving the space blank in any cage.

Step 4 : The completed application form should be handed over only to the Office of the President’s Fund.

Download Form:…rm_English.pdf

Step 5 : On receipt of the Application Form the President’s Fund will call for two separate reports on it from the relevant Divisional Secretary and the Ministry of Health. A copy of the letter calling for the report from the Divisional Secretary too will be sent to the applicant to enable him/her to ensure that the Divisional Secretary sends his report without delay. The Card containing reference number etc., issued by the President’s Fund will also be sent to the applicant together with it.

Step 6 : On receipt of the above mentioned two reports, the President’s Fund will process the application and submit it to His Excellency the President for approval.

Step 7 : On receipt of approval of His Excellency the President, the applicant will be informed of the fact. A permanent Reference number will be allocated to the patient’s file thereafter. This new number will be used in all future transactions.

Step 8 : Following steps should be taken as regards the performance of the Surgical Operation/obtaining of Medical Treatment after receiving the letter approving grant of financial assistance to the patient:

(i) Obtain a date for admission of patient to hospital.
(ii) Have a photostat made of the letter issued by the hospital stating that date.
(iii) Send a letter to President’s Fund together with that letter requesting that the amount approved by the President’s Fund be remitted to the hospital concerned.

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Step 9 :
The President’s Fund will thereafter issue the Guarantee Letter to the Hospital concerned or the Director of the Instituti on providing Medical Supplies. (The letter of Guarantee will be issued only after the receipt of approval of His Excellency the President).

Step 10 : If for any reason it became necessary to have the surgical operation performed or Medical Treatment obtained before the issuance of the Guarantee Letter to the hospital, the amount approved for the purpose or the cost incurred which ever is lower, would be reimbursed by the Pre sident’s Fund. However, the following are the pre-conditions for such action by the President’s Fund.

Reimbursement of Expenses

(i) Informing the President’s Fund in writing that the surgical operation had to be carried out as a matter of urgency and requesting the Fund that the cost of the surgical operation be reimbursed from the President’s Fund. This request should be made immediately after the performance of the operation.

(ii) For the reimbursement of the cost of the Surgical Operation, it is a compulsory requirement to produce to the President’s Fund.

(1) Originals of the receipts and bills issued by t he Hospital and

(2) A copy of the report issued by the Doctor after the performance of the Surgical Operation.
Payment will be made on the basis of originals of documents only. In case it became necessary to perform a surgical operation on a patient as a matter of urgency reimbursement of cost of operation will be considered only if requested within five (05) working days after getting discharged from the hospital.

Note :
(i) In case you call at the Office of the President’s Fund, kindly restrict such visits to Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays in the week.

(ii) All correspondence with the President’s Fund should be addressed to :
President’s Fund
No. 41, Renuka Building (Ground Floor)
Janadhipathi Mawatha, Colombo 01.

(iii) Note: Please note that only the Patient or the Applicant should call at the President’s Fund to make any inquiry brining along with him or her the Card issued by the Fund. If due to any unavoidable reason any pers on other than them comes, he/she should bring a letter of authorization from the patient. That letter should state the reasons the applicant/patient is unable to call over at the office for the purpose.Ref. No. PF/M/T/ Application for Financial Assistance from the President’s Fund for medical treatment

Note : Answer all questions asked below after perus ing the Instructions to Applicants

Contact Us

The Presidents Fund Contact Details :
Address : No.41, Renuka Building(Ground Floor), Janadhipathi Mawatha, Colombo 01.

Tel :
+94 11 2386801
+94 11 2382316
+94 11 2331245
+94 11 2431610

Fax : +94 11 2331243

E-mail : fundsecretary [AT]

Categories: Sri Lanka

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  • My wife have made double value replacement surgery in kandy at 23.11.2016. May I apply for the president fund? © 2022 Contact Us   Privacy Policy   Site Map