jurist.am How to Register a Firm : Armenian Law Office Your Jurisconsult

Organization : Armenian Law Office Your Jurisconsult
Facility : How to Register a Firm
Country : Armenia
Website : http://jurist.am/en/ver/

Firm Registration  :

To maintain business activity in Armenia it is necessary to pass through one of two procedures :

Related : Adoption of a Child Armenian Law Office Your Jurisconsult : www.statusin.org/30282.html

** Company registration
** Private entrepreneur registration (PI)

Mainly the companies’ registration is necessary for the commercial organisations which are involved in entrepreneurial activity.

Company registration is necessary for noncommercial organisations as well, though they can maintain business activity only for achievement of the aims for the sake of which they are created.

No doubt, the company registration is a not a simple process and you need to start it by choosing the organisational-legal type of your future company. We will provide you with assistance to choose the best and the most convenient organisational-legal form for your business.

Detailed Overview of Companies’ Registration :
Legal entities registration is an important component of the legal practice. The armenian lawyers and attorneys whose duties involve the registration of the companies, must possess not only theoretical knowledge and practical skills, but also have to be familiar in details with the registering bodies work process peculiarities and their requirements (sometimes not completely legal).

The approach to the process of the companies’ registration as technical procedure when typical documents are used only is not sufficient.

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First of all the legal adviser specialized on companies registration should get acknowledged to the requirements of the customer, and, if necessary, must help the customer to define them.

Prior to starting preparation of the documents and registration process it is necessary to define key characteristics of the future company.

Companies’ Registration Procedure in Armenia :
The process of the companies’ registration is preceded by a choice of the organisational-legal type of the future company. It is a point of top importance which defines the managerial process of the company, relationship between shareholders, the order of profit distribution and other issues.

After the registration it is not simple to change the organisational-legal form of the company. This procedure of changing is called “transformation”.

Further, during the registration process you will need to define the company’s name. The Armenian legislation stipulates the name check when registering the company.

Besides, you should not choose the names same or similar with the registered trademarks (for example, LLC “Coca-Cola”, CJSC “Mercedes”, etc.).

You can register the company with abbreviated name and/or in a foreign language. In the future it is possible to change such name. The next important point in companies’ registration process is the share capital.

At first, it is initial money resource of the company, and secondly it is the minimal size of company’s property. If you need to register a company of a certain type of activity (banks, the insurance companies), in this case Armenian legislation stipulates the higher size of share capital.

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