Ameriabank Phone Banking : Armenia

Organization : Ameriabank
Facility : Phone Banking
Country : Armenia
Website :

Phone Banking :

Ameria Phone Banking is a distance banking tool enabling clients to bank from any place of the world without visiting the bank.

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To activate this service, you just need to visit the Bank and sign the agreement. Then an SMS with Ameria Phone Banking password will be sent to the mobile number indicated by you.

This service enables you to make the following transactions by phone within the specified limits:

Transaction Limit (AMD or foreign currency equivalent)
1 Information on account N/A
2 Setting transaction value and currency for FX transactions N/A
3 Transfers between client’s accounts with Ameriabank Up to AMD 10,000,000
4 Transfers between the client’s and third parties’ accounts with Ameriabank Up to AMD 10,000,000
5 Non-cash FX transactions Up to AMD 10,000,000
7 International transfers (maximum 2 transfers a day) Up to AMD 1,000,000
8 Utility payments Up to AMD 1,000,000

** Executed transactions are reflected in the client’s account statement.

You can use phone banking also for :
** Receiving information about your current accounts, account balances, agreements executed between you and the bank and available services

** Setting value and exchange rate for FX transactions with the bank beforehand

Account-related operations :
** Opening new account for an account holder client
** Closing separate account (other than the client’s last account)
** Freezing, unfreezing of account and other actions related to account management

Payment card-related operations :
** Ordering payment cards
** Reissuing, closing payment cards
** Card blocking, unblocking
** Transaction disputing
** Changing transaction limits and restrictions
** Activating/deactivating VBV service and other servicing-related actions

Deposit-related operations :
** Making new deposits
** Topping-up current deposits
** Withdrawing deposit amount

And :
** Making partial loan repayments before the due date
** Cancelling orders to the bank
** Changing orders given to the bank by phone banking
** Editing the client’s data registered at the bank (except for phone number)

Operational days :
** Monday-Friday : 09:00-20:00
** Saturday : 09:00-16:00

Payment orders through Ameria Phone Banking
Acceptance Transfer Acceptance Transfer
AMD Before 02:00p.m. The same banking day After 02:00p.m. Following banking day
USD Before 05:00p.m. The same banking day After 05:00p.m. Following banking day
Other Before 04:00p.m. The same banking day After 04:00p.m. Following banking day

Ameriabank Cjsc Tariffs For Individuals :
1. General Provisions :
1. All commissions shall be charged in AMD.

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2. Commissions expressed as percentage of foreign currency amounts shall be charged in AMD, at the Bank’s board buy exchange rate (clearing).

3. If the client has no sufficient funds available on his/her AMD account, the Bank may convert the full or partial amount of commission from the foreign currency accounts at the Bank’s board buy exchange rate.

4. All postal and telecommunication expenses, as well as third bank costs shall be charged additionally.

5. The Bank may review current tariffs, advising the clients through making the changes available for them on the website or within the Bank premises. The changes shall take effect on the date fixed by the Bank, but not earlier than the client notice date.

6. Based on long-term cooperation between the Bank and the client, the volume of transactions and other sound reasons, the Bank may apply tariffs and rates different from those defined herein. All such tariffs will be specified in other documents and/or supplementary covenants and agreements.

7. All commissions subject to VAT shall include VAT.

2. Opening And Management Of Bank Accounts :
1 No account opening fees in case of time or savings deposits or brokerage accounts. Opening an AMD account is required for any kind of banking transactions.

2 The turnover of any account of the client (including card accounts) applies to all other accounts (this provision is applicable only in terms of charging the commissions). If the client has a card account linked to an active card, no commission is charged. If the account is linked to a closed card, the commission is chargeable. Commissions are charged within two weeks following each calendar half-year.

3. If there were no cash flows on the account during the most recent 12 months, the client account debiting transactions will be restricted within two weeks following each calendar quarter.

4. If there were no cash flows on the account during the most recent 12 months and the account balance is zero, the account will be closed within two weeks following each calendar half-year.

5. Account maintenance fee shall not be charged from the clients having brokerage accounts.

6. The Bank defines currency exchange rates every business day. Such rates remain effective during open hours of the Bank. The Bank is entitled to reject conversion applications received by distance banking systems on non-open hours (before 09.30 a.m. and after 5:00 p.m) and non-business days (including Saturdays).

Contact Address :
Head Office :
9 Grigor Lusavorich Street,
Yerevan 0015,RA
Tel.: +37410 56 11 11
Fax: +37410 51 31 33
USA : +1 888 802 5352
UK: +448000903191
Email : info AT

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