COMELEC Registration Record Transfer Philippines

Name of the Organization : Commission on Elections
Type of Facility : Transfer of Registration Record
Country : Philippines

Website : https://comelec.gov.ph/

Transfer of Registration Record

** The physical registration record of any voter is located in the BOV for the corresponding precinct where the voter has been assigned based on his residence at the time of application. This BOV is at the local COMELEC office where the voter resides.

Related : COMELEC Registration Records Reactivation Philippines : www.statusin.org/3107.html

The physical voter registration record (VRR) is simply the approved application form of the concerned voter.For those who transferred from another city/district/municipality, it is to be filed with the EO of the residence.

** This Application is for any registered voter who has transferred residence either from another or within the same district, from another city or from another municipality at least six (6) months before the May 9, 2016 Synchronized National, Local and ARMM Regional Elections.

** If the registration record being applied for transfer has been deactivated for any of the grounds enumerated in Section 27 of Republic Act No. 8189, the applicant may also apply for the reactivation of his record with the application for transfer using the same Application Form.

** When the application is approved by the ERB, the old VRR is transferred from the BOV of the old precinct to the BOV of the new precinct with the approved Application Form for transfer.

Procedure for Filing Application

Procedure for Filing Application for Transfer of Registration Records From Another District/ City/Municipality :
If applicant’s name is included in the NLRDV :
** The EO shall give the applicant three (3) copies of the prescribed application form (CEF-1B- Application for Transfer/Application for Transfer with Reactivation). The applicant shall thereafter accomplish said application form separately in three (3) copies subject to Section 12 hereof.

** It is important that the EO shall check the box corresponding to the appropriate type of application. In the assignment of precinct number and Application Form Number, the EO shall follow the procedure provided in Section 12 (c) hereof.

Using the VRS, the VRM Operator shall :
** Select File -> Registration;
** Type the Application Number and press Enter button;
** Select Transfer from other city/district/municipality from the drop down menu;
** Encode demographics information and capture the biometrics data of the applicant; and
** Save the record.

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Note :
** He/she shall then affix his/her initial below the space provided for the EO’s signatures in Part 2 of the application form.
** Application for transfer of registration records to another city/district/municipality shall be subject to notice, hearing and action of the Board.
** Once the application is approved, NOTICE OF APPROVAL shall be sent within five (5) days thereof, without need of a copy of the approved application for transfer, to the EO of origin by registered mail.

Notice of Approval signed by the Chairman of the Board shall indicate the following :
** Full-name;
** Birth date;
** Place of birth;
** Old and current address;
** Precinct assignment; and
** City/district/municipality/barangay.

The EO of origin shall within five (5) days upon receipt of the said Notice :
** Delete the name of the voter from the database; and
** Remove the voter’s registration records (VRRs) from the corresponding precinct book of voters and send to the EO of the applicant’s new residence.
** The deletion from the database and removal of the VRR from the Book of Voters by the EO of origin shall not require Board approval.

b)If applicant’s name is not included in the NLRDV :
** The EO shall require the applicant to show proof of his/her registration. He/she may present his/her Voter ID, or a Certification from the EO of his/her former place of registration, or a Certification from the National Central File. Upon presentation of any document herein mentioned, the EO shall issue the application for transfer. A facsimile/photocopy of said proof shall be attached to the application.

** In the absence of proof that the applicant is a registered voter, the EO shall advise the applicant to file an application for registration. The EO shall thereafter issue three (3) copies of the prescribed application form (CEF-1A – Application for Registration) to the applicant, who shall accomplish said form in accordance with Section 12 hereof. In addition, the applicant shall be issued one (1) copy of a Certification (Annex “F”) stating that he/she intended to apply for transfer but instead, was advised to apply for new registration.

** A registered voter who applies for transfer of registration record shall surrender his/her Voter ID if one has been issued to him/her, to the EO of the city/municipality where he/she presently resides. Once the application for transfer is approved, the EO shall issue upon request, pending the issuance of a new Voter ID, a VRS- generated Voter Certification, free of charge.

** The EO and VRM Operator shall then perform the procedures stated in Section 12, Paragraphs (g), (h) and (i) hereof.

Procedure for Filing of Application for Transfer of Registration Records Within the Same City/District/Municipality Due to Change of Address :
a) If the record has complete biometrics data, the VRM operator shall, using the old application form number :
** Select File -> Other Application -> List of Records;
** Type the last name, or first name and/or maternal name in the space provided and then click SEARCH button;
** Right-click the record of the applicant in the list and select TRANSFER from the list of application type;
** Edit the address and precinct number; and
** Save the record.

b) If the record has no biometrics data or with incomplete biometrics data, the VRM operator shall, using the old application form number :
** Select File -> Others-> List of Records;
** Type the last name, or first name and/or maternal name in the space provided and click SEARCH button;
** Right-click in the record of the applicant and select TRANSFER WITH BIOMETRICS CAPTURE from the list of application type;
** Edit the address and precinct number;
** Capture the biometrics information; and
** Save the record.
** Once the process is completed, the EO and VRM Operator shall then perform the procedures stated in Section 12, Paragraph (h) last sentence and Paragraph (i) hereof.

** After the Board approval, the EO shall consolidate/merge the updated data. Correspondingly, the Board through the EO shall detach the VRR from his/her former precinct book of voters and place the same in the precinct book of voters of his/her new precinct assignment. This provision shall not apply for book of voters covered under Presidential Electoral Tribunal (PET) Case No. 004 entitled “Manuel A. Roxas versus Jejomar C. Binay”.

Application Form :

** The Application Form for Transfer, also known as CEF-1B, may also be obtained free-of-charge from the EO’s office.

** It is also available for download from this Website. It is to be printed on a long bond paper (preferably substance 20/70 gsm), after which the applicant shall manually fill-up the same in three (3) copies. There is no online version of CEF-1B which is currently available for online accomplishment.

Download Form :https://www.statusin.org/uploads/3105…activation.pdf

Categories: Philippines

View Comments (1)

  • I ask if my transfer from silang cavite to Bagtas,Tanza cavite is approved? I file my transfer last month?

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