Nigeria Immigration Service ECOWAS Travel Certificate Online Application/ Renewal/ Reissue

Name of the Organization : Nigeria Immigration Service
Type of Facility : ECOWAS Travel Certificate Online Application/ Renewal/ Reissue
Country : Nigeria
Website :

How To Apply For ECOWAS Travel Certificate?

ECOWAS Travel Certificate is issued to Nigerians desirous of traveling to other ECOWAS member states.

Related / Similar Service : Online Visa Application Nigeria

** Visit the Home page of Nigeria Immigration Portal
** Locate & click on the appropriate application form to start the process
a) Apply for ECOWAS Travel Certificate or
b) Apply for Renewal of ECOWAS Travel Certificate or
c) Apply for Re-issue of ECOWAS Travel Certificate

** Fill the Application form by entering your Personal Information, Residential Address, Busines Address, Physical Details and Particular of Travel Documents.


** Click on “Print Acknowledgment Slip” button to print ‘Application Acknowledgment Page’
** Click on “Proceed to Online Payment”

** If you selected option to pay in Naira, you will be prompted to select PayType (payment method) : “Bank” , “eWallet” or “Credit/Debit card”,
** If you intend to pay at a bank, selected “Bank” and click continue,

** View the list of participating banks and then click on ‘Continue’.
** The “Print Acknowledgment” button will help you print “Payment Acknowledgment Slip” with Transaction ID, Application ID & Reference Number.

** With the copy of your Payment acknowledgement slip, proceed to a participating bank for payment.
** On making payment at the bank, you MUST be issued with a Pay4Me ‘e-receipt’ that contains a “Validation Number”.

You will need the “Validation Number” for confirmation of payment on the portal. (For use of your Validation Number, see the section on Validation Number below)

** If you have a funded ewallet account and intend to pay through this account, select “eWallet” and click continue,
** You will be required to fill in your eWallet log-in credentials. If you are not registered as a user, go to “Register for eWallet”.

** After filling in, click “Login” button and you will be sent to the payment portal
** For proceeding with the payment click the “PAY” button. The payment will be successful only if your account balance is at least as big as the total payable amount.

** After payment, the “Validation Number” is generated. Store it and use it to confirm the payment.
** You can also print a receipt by clicking the “Print the Receipt” button.

** If you intend to pay through Credit/Debit card, select “Credit/Debit card” and click continue,
** You will be required to fill in your eWallet log-in credentials. If you are not registered as a user, go to “Register for eWallet”.

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** After filling in, click “Login” button and you will be sent to the payment portal
** For proceeding with the payment click the “PAY” button.
** Payment portal display application details, click on “Continue” button.

** You will be prompted to “Value Card” payment page, provide information of your card & Click on “OK” button
** After payment, the “Validation Number” is generated. Store it and use it to confirm the payment.

** You can also print a receipt by clicking the “Print the Receipt” button.
** After payment, having obtained the “Validation Number”, proceed to the NIS portal for confirmation of payment.

** To confirm your payment using your Validation Number, go to the “Check ECOWAS Travel Certificate Status” and enter your Application ID and Reference No.

** Click the “View your application payment status” button to go to the “Online Query Status” page.

** Selecting “Pay4Me”, a field will appear to be filled with the “Validation Number” from your e-receipt. Remember : Validation Number has been generated after payment through Bank also.

** Click the “Search Record” button and you will be sent to the “Applicant’s Details” page where a date for your interview has been generated.
** You can now print a Receipt or an Acknowledgement Slip by using the buttons on this page. (You will need them for your interview).

** You will be presented with your NIS e-receipt or Acknowledgement Slip in a new window. Click on ‘Print” button to send a copy to the printer.
** Proceed for Interview with relevant documents.

Documents Required For ECOWAS Travel Certificate

Required Document for Fresh ECOWAS Travel Certificate :
Important Notice :
** ECOWAS Travel Certificate is valid within ECOWAS sub-region and member countries.
** Applicant must provide the following in support of the application
** 2 copies of applicant’s recent passport photograph

** Local Government Area Letter of Identification from Local Government Area or State Liaison Office
** Birth certificate/ Age declaration
** Guarantor’s form sworn to before a commissioner of Oaths / Magistrate / High Court judge.

Note : A guarantor must attach the following documents; photocopy of data page of international passport or Driving License or National Identity Card

** Father’s letter of consent for minors under 16 years (In case of single parent, mother’s letter of consent is acceptable)
** Marriage certificate where applicable

** Evidence of e-Payment i.e. printed Payment Confirmation Page
** Duly completed and signed Application Form
** Applicable fee is 2,600 Naira.
** Validity period is 2 years.

Required Documents for Renewal of ECOWAS Travel Certificate :
Important Notice :
** Applicant must present original copy of the old ECOWAS Travel Certificate for renewal, in addition to :
** Evidence of e-Payment i.e. Printed Payment Confirmation Page

** Duly completed and signed Application Form.
** Applicable fee is 1,300 Naira.
** Validity period is 2 years.

Required Documents for Re-Issue of ECOWAS Travel Certificate :
Important Notice :
** Applicant must provide the following :
** Photocopy of data page of previous ECOWAS Travel Certificate
** 2 copies of applicant’s recent passport photograph
** Police report and sworn affidavit (in case of lost ECOWAS Travel Certificate)

** Evidence of e-Payment i.e. printed payment confirmation Page.
** Duly completed and signed application form.
** Applicable fee is 2,600 Naira.
** Validity period is 2 years.

Contact :
For Support Call : +234 (1) 2714449, 4541452 or
Email : nis-support [AT]

Categories: Nigeria

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