AFCD Agricultural Products/Marine Fish Scholarship Fund For Senior Secondary Education 2014/15 Hong Kong

Name of the Organization : Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department
Name of the Scholarship : Agricultural Products/Marine Fish Scholarship Fund For Senior Secondary Education 2014/15
Location : Hong Kong
Country : China
Deadline : 29 August 2014

Website :…holarship.html

Related : AFCD Agricultural Products/Marine Fish Scholarship Fund For Tertiary Education Hong Kong :

Agricultural Products/Marine Fish Scholarship :

Conditions of Award :
1. Applicants must be students in Form 4 to Form 6 at any full-time secondary school in Hong Kong in 2014-15.
2. Applicants should have right of abode in Hong Kong, or have resided legally in Hong Kong continuously for three completed years immediately prior to the commencement of their courses.

Application received after the deadline will not be considered save in exceptional case.

3. Applicants’ family background must be directly related to agriculture/agricultural products marketing industry/marine fisheries/marine fish marketing industry in Hong Kong.Note : Persons from the two marketing industries who are eligible to apply for the two Funds refer to those engaged in wholesale business in the wholesale markets under the Vegetable Marketing Organization or the Fish Marketing Organization, and have registration records with the Organizations, as well as their families and dependants.
4. Scholarships may be awarded to students who achieve a standard of academic excellence acceptable to the Trustee of the Funds. Nevertheless, it should depend on the financial condition of the Funds and other conditions of award to determine whether the applicants would be awarded the scholarships or not. [Note : In general, applicants should achieve a standard of academic excellence at their recent school examinations and pass in Chinese, English and Mathematics (if applicable).]
5. Grants will be awarded to deserving candidates with good academic results on a financial need basis. [Note : In general, applicants should pass at least 5 subjects at their recent school examinations, including both Chinese Language and English Language.]
6. Students applying for scholarship may also apply for grant.
7. The recipient of scholarship/grant must undertake to repay, if required, the awards if his/her work or conduct during his/her study is considered unsatisfactory or if he/she withdraws from the study for whatever reason.
8. The recipient must follow the approved course of study and abide by the rules of the school in which he/she studies.
9. An award may be terminated at any time for reason of unsatisfactory conduct, for breaches of the conditions of award or for failure to make satisfactory progress.

Instructions for Completing Application Form and Documents to be Submitted :
1. A complete application consists of two sets of forms : Form A and Form B. Both sets of forms should be completed with black or dark blue ball pen.
2. Every item of the application form must be completed. “Nil” or “N/A” should be put against any item which does not apply.
3. Applicant must complete Form A and Part I of Form B, which are identical.

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Form A :
Completed Form A should be returned by the applicant to the Secretary, Agricultural Products/Marine Fish Scholarship Fund Advisory Committee, Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department, 5/F., Cheung Sha Wan Government Offices, 303 Cheung Sha Wan Road, Kowloon together with the following documents
(a) Two recent passport-size photographs, each attached to a copy of the form in the designated space and should be cross-signed;
(b) Photocopy of Hong Kong Identity Card of the applicant;
(c) Photocopy of Student Identity Card or Student Handbook of the applicant;
(d) Photocopy of certificates of examination (refer to item 20 of the Application Form);
(e) Photocopy of school academic results for the 2013/14 school year with explanation of marking or indication of passing mark, and notification of promotion. If admitted to another school, submit photocopy of notification of acceptance by the relevant school (refer to items 21 and 22 of the Application Form);
(f) The duly completed and signed Authorization Form (attached) for obtaining personal information; and
(g) If you apply for grant, the attached Declaration of Family Financial Circumstances completed by your parent, or in case of an orphan, by the guardian, with the supporting documents required. If the Declaration is not submitted, award of grant will not be considered. If you apply for scholarship only, you need not submit the Declaration.

Form B :
Part I of Form B should be completed by the applicant and then forwarded to the Head of School who is requested to complete Part II of the form. Completed Form B (including Part I and Part II should be returned by the Head of School to the Secretary of the Scholarship Fund at the above-mentioned address.

Handling of Information and Personal Data Supplied in Application :
It is obligatory for the applicant to provide the necessary information including personal data as required in the application. Failure to comply with this requirement will result in the application being disqualified for further processing. The personal data provided and any supplementary information as required by the Agricultural Products/Marine Fish Scholarship Fund AdvisoryCommittee will be used by the Advisory Committee, with the assistance of its agents and the concerned staff for the following purposes :
(a) Activities relating to the handling and vetting of the information supplied and data preparation necessary for the assessment of financial assistance under the Agricultural Products/Marine Fish Scholarship Fund; and
(b) Activities relating to the handling of the information supplied and data preparation necessary for the compilation of the relevant statistics to facilitate reviews.

The personal data provided by means of this application will only be disclosed to those relevant persons/parties :
(a) for the purposes mentioned in para. 15 above;
(b) where the applicant has given his/her consent to such disclosure; and
(c) where such disclosure is authorized or required by law.

Note :

1.Applicant has the right to obtain access and make corrections to the personal data provided by him/her in the application. Applicant can obtain a copy of the respective personal data subject to the payment of necessary administrative charges. Such request should be addressed in writing to the Secretary, Agricultural Products/Marine Fish Scholarship Fund Advisory Committee.
2.Applications will be processed only if they have been duly completed and accompanied by all supporting documents required.
3.Application form must be completed FULLY and TRUTHFULLY. The information supplied by the applicant in the application will form the sole basis of determining the appropriate level of financial assistance to be awarded. Any wilful misrepresentation or omission may lead to disqualification. Any person who does so commits an offence and is liable on conviction to imprisonment for 10 years under the Theft Ordinance, Chapter 210.
4.Applicant must inform the Secretary, Agricultural Products/Marine Fish Scholarship Fund Advisory Committee in writing immediately for any change of information in the form after submission of the application (e.g. institution and/or course data, address, etc.). Outdated and/or inaccurate information will lead to disqualification or unnecessary delay in processing the application.
5.All applications and documents submitted would not be returned to the applicants.
6.If necessary, the applicant and his/her parent or guardian will be invited to attend an interview with the members of the Agricultural Products/Marine Fish Scholarship Fund Advisory Committee. All original documents not submitted with the application should be brought along for examination at the interview.

Application Procedure and Deadline :
Completed application forms (including Form A and Form B) together with the necessary supporting documents should be returned to the Secretary, Agricultural Products/Marine Fish Scholarship Fund Advisory Committee, Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department, 5/F., Cheung Sha Wan Government Offices, 303 Cheung Sha Wan Road, Kowloon on or before 29 August 2014.

Office Hours :
Monday to Friday
9 :00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
1 :30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.

Enquiries :
Enquiries may be addressed to the Secretary, Agricultural Products/Marine Fish Scholarship Fund Advisory Committee (Telephone no. 2150 6698) © 2022 Contact Us   Privacy Policy   Site Map