Online SPIPISE Licensing Service Indonesia

Name of the Organization : Indonesian Investment Coordinating Board
Type of Facility : Online SPIPISE Licensing Service
Country : Indonesia

Website :

Related : LPDP Depkeu Presidential Scholarship Indonesia :

Online SPIPISE :

** Online SPIPISE is an application built to serve investors in filing the licensing process for the implementation of investment activities in the territory of the Republic of Indonesia.

This process the company must allocate human resources and time for submission of the licensing process.

** At this time the process of licensing services held face-to-face (offline) BKPM office. Investors in this process should visit the office during office hours service which has been determined to complete the required process.
** Companies are required to complete the information and submit the documents required in the licensing application process, if the company will submit a new application then the process of providing the same information as filing completeness firm that has been done before.

Applications of Online SPIPISE has the advantage that consists of :
** Accessibility system
** Time Management
** Document Manajemen
** System Transparency

Accessibility system :
With web-based services, companies have the flexibility to access the online application process, this can be done as long as have a range of network access to the Internet.

Time Management :
With service time 24 hours a day and 7 days a week, the application ‘Online SPIPISE’ provides flexibility of time to the company to interact with the system. Without limitation of working hours and days off.

Document Manajemen :
** Applications ‘Online SPIPISE’ will save all the documents and information company in the database on the server BKPM.
** The company can manage the documents possessed by adding and upload data files, change and delete information that has been stored, and re-download the documents that have been previously uploaded.
** Documents and the information stored in the database ‘online SPIPISE’ can be reused to apply Licensing Appliacation without the need to repeat the process of completing such documents first.

System Transparency :
With the service process conducted online, the company can monitor the progress of the implementation of the service is more transparent.

Contact and Information :
Call : +62 21 5292 1329-30
Call : +62 21 5292 1334-35
Email : helpdesk.spipise [AT]

Instructions :
The online investment principle license application is available online 24 hours a day seven days a week. To apply the online application, you will need an access authority from Center of Data Processing and Information (PUSDATIN) at Indonesia Investment Coordination Board (BKPM).

Please follow the steps below to assist you downloading the form :
1. Please access the application at Official Website.
2. Select the English menu
3. Select Online Services menu

4. In the Online Services, select Applying for Access Authority
5. Please download and open the access authority form

6. Please fill and complete the form with a duty stamp called a meterai in order to be considered legal, and then please complete with signature of person in charged or director of company and company’s stamp. Meterai are available at the post office (Kantor Pos) and the price is IDR. 6,000 each.

7. Prepare the two additional documents below :
** Copy of Company’s deed of establishment and its latest amendment with approval from Ministry of Law and Human Rights or Court or Ministry of Cooperatives and Small and Medium Enterprises
** Copy of Applicant identification card (KTP or Passport)

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