Service Canada Lost/Stolen Social Insurance Number

Name of the Organization : Service Canada
Type of Facility : Lost/Stolen Social Insurance Number
Country : Canada
Website :http://www.servicecanada.gc.ca/eng/sc/sin/index.shtml

Lost or Stolen Social Insurance Number

If your confirmation of SIN letter or SIN card has been lost or stolen, it is important to be aware that someone could try to use your Social Insurance Number.

Related : Service Canada Retirement Income Calculator : www.statusin.org/4092.html

Service Canada Centre will not issue a new SIN if your confirmation of SIN letter or SIN card has been lost or stolen

We recommend that you follow these steps to protect your SIN :
** Carefully review your bank account, credit card and other financial transaction statements. If anything concerns you, contact your financial institution.
** Monitor your mail for any disruption in delivery.
** Contact Canada’s two national credit bureaus : Equifax and TransUnion. Ask for a free copy of your credit report and review it for any suspicious activity. You may also wish to see if your credit file should be flagged to indicate that your personal information has been put at risk and may be vulnerable to fraud.

** Report the theft of your confirmation of SIN letter or SIN card to the police if you suspect that it is being used fraudulently. Ask for the case reference number, the officer’s name and telephone number.

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Note :
** If you don’t remember your SIN , you can refer to your income tax return where your SIN can be found.
** A new SIN may be issued only in situations where there is proof that the SIN is being used fraudulently. To obtain a confirmation of your SIN, refer to How do I apply for a SIN, obtain a confirmation of my SIN or amend my SIN record- If, in the future, another person uses your SIN for employment purposes or to receive other taxable income, you will receive a Notice of Reassessment from the Canada Revenue Agency concerning undeclared earnings. This is an indication that your SIN is being used fraudulently.

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Contact information :
Toll-Free Numbers
Equifax : 1-800-465-7166
TransUnion : 1-800-663-9980 (for residents of Quebec: 1-877-713-3393)

SIN Fraud :
For information regarding fraud and fraud protection, you may also visit the Government of Canada’s Anti-Fraud Centre or call 1-888-495-8501.

Categories: Canada
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