Canada Post Online Parcel/Letter Tracking

Name of the Organization :Canada Post
Type of Facility : Track a Parcel or Letter
Country : Canada

Website : https://www.canadapost.ca/cpc/en/home.page

Related : Canada Post Bills & Statements View With ePost : www.statusin.org/3809.html

Track a Parcel or Letter :

Canada Post’s online tracking tool allows you to use the tracking number from your mailing label or receipt to access tracking information and confirm the delivery of your item.

Delivery Notice Card numbers are comprised of 15 digits

** Any item with a bar code can be tracked
** To confirm delivery of your item, you can use your Tracking number, Delivery Notice Card number, or Reference number

How Track Works :
Our tracking system is updated daily to provide you with the most current information available about the location and status of your item.

If your item was mailed within Canada, you’ll be able to find out :
When your order was created in our system
** When your item was received by Canada Post
** When your item was delivered, or :
** When a Delivery Notice Card was issued to notify the recipient that the item is available for pick-up

If your item was mailed to the USA or internationally, you’ll be able to find out :
** When your order was created in our system
** When your item was received by Canada Post
** When your item left Canada and when it was accepted by a foreign postal administration
** When your item was delivered, or :
** When a Delivery Notice Card was issued to notify the recipient that the item is available for pick-up

How Can I Track :
Track by Tracking Number :
** In the Tracking Number(s) box, enter one or more tracking numbers.
** Select the Track button to view your results.

Track Online : http://www.canadapost.ca/cpotools/ap…execution=e4s1

Related Post

Tips :
** Your tracking number is located on your receipt or directly on your item
** Tracking numbers are comprised of either :
** 16 numeric digits (0000 0000 0000 0000), or :
** 13 numeric and alphabetic characters (AA 000 000 000 AA)

Track by Delivery Notice Card :
** In the Delivery Notice Card Number(s) box, enter one or more delivery notice card numbers.
** Select the Track button to view your results.

Track Online : http://www.canadapost.ca/cpotools/ap…execution=e5s1

Tips :
** Your Delivery Notice Card number is located on the notification card you received in the mail

Track by Reference Number :
** In the Reference Number(s) box, enter one or more reference numbers.
** In the Start Date box, enter your planned deposit date.
** In the End Date box, enter your planned delivery date.
** Select the Track button to view your results.

Track Online : http://www.canadapost.ca/cpotools/ap…execution=e6s1

Tips :
** Reference numbers are defined by shippers
** Because reference numbers are chosen by the shipper, duplicates may exist
** To avoid duplicates, enter a date range when searching for your reference number; only reference numbers active during the specified time period will be displayed

Understanding Track Results :
After you’ve entered your tracking number and have been brought to the Track results page, a progress bar displays the status of your item. The following table describes each phase of the progress bar.

Tips :
In Track, you can also hover over the progress bar to get further information.

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