Apply for Bermudian Status

Organization : Government of Bermuda
Facility : Apply for Bermudian Status
Country : Bermuda
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Apply for Bermudian Status :

You can apply for Bermudian status if :
** You possess a Qualifying Bermudian Connection (QBC) (Section 19);

Related : Get an Application for Residence Bermuda :

** You are a spouse, widow or widower of a Bermudian (Section 19A);
** You have the right to Bermudian status in certain other cases (see below).

Requirements :
If you possess a Qualifying Bermudian Connection (QBC), you must fulfil all the requirements below in order to apply. You must :
** Be 18 years of age or older;
** Have been ordinarily resident in Bermuda for 10 continuous years immediately preceding the date of the application;
** Have a qualifying Bermudian connection;
** Be of good conduct and character.

If you are a spouse, widow, or widower of a Bermudian, in order to apply you must :
** Be married to or be the widow or widower of a Bermudian for 10 continuous years from the date of marriage;

** Have resided in Bermuda for seven years after the date of the marriage, the last two years must be continuous to the date of application. In calculating the remaining five years, you must do so in continuous periods of 12 months or more;

Related Post

** Be living together as husband and wife continuously for the last two years with the Bermudian spouse to the date of application or for the last six months prior to the death of the Bermudian spouse;
** Be of good conduct and character.

In order to apply under certain other cases, you must :
** Have been ordinarily resident in Bermuda on 31 July 1989;
** Have been ordinarily resident in Bermuda for the period of 10 years immediately preceding the application;

** Be a British Dependent Territories citizen by virtue of the grant by the Governor of a certificate of naturalisation under the British Nationality and Status of Aliens Act 1914 (U.K.) or the British Nationality Act 1948 (U.K.) or the British Nationality Act 1981 (U.K.) having been approved for the grant of Bermudian status.

Fees :

Bermudian Status :
Applying for grant of Bermudian status under section 19 or 19A $534.00
Applying for grant of Bermudian status under section 20 or 20B $150.00
Issuing a certificate of Bermudian status under section 21 $150.00
Confirmation of Bermudian status under section 16, 17 or 18 $150.00
Bermudian Status Register :
Issuing under section 3(3)(b)
An extract of an individual’s detailed record from the Bermudian Status Register $14.00
1. Up to 15 pages $14.00
2. More than 15 pages $0.87 per page
Issuing a certified copy of an extract or a letter confirming an individual’s detailed record from the Register under section 3(3)(c) $72.00

What is naturalisation?
Any person who is not a Commonwealth citizen must be naturalised as a British Overseas Territories Citizen in order to acquire Bermudian status.

Those persons who are Commonwealth citizens applying for Bermudian status ONLY, should note that the acquisition of Bermudian status does not mean British nationality.

If you want to know whether you have, or may be entitled to, Bermudian status, you should complete this form in order to provide as much information as possible to the Department of Immigration. This will enable the Department to make a recommendation as to your best course of action.

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