How to Get a Driver’s Licence : Bermuda

Organization : Government of Bermuda
Facility : How to Get a Driver’s Licence
Country : Bermuda
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Get a Driver’s Licence :

There are three steps to get a driver’s licence in Bermuda :
1. Complete a Driver’s Licence Application :

Related : Apply for Bermudian Status :

You will need a doctor to complete part of this form to certify you are fit to operate a motor vehicle. If you are interested in a commercial truck licence, please visit the Transport Control Department main office to apply.

2. Write an exam :
If you pass the exam you will get a Learner’s Permit. To take the exam, you will need to bring your birth certificate, a valid passport, or a work permit as well as the completed application to the Transport Control Department main office.

The electronic exam will test your general knowledge of the rules of the road, speed limits, and signage. Use the Traffic Code Handbook to study for the test. You can purchase the handbook at the main office of the Transport Control Department.

Examination Type :

Examination Type Fee
Examination of Auxiliary Cycle $34.00
Examination of Motor Cycle $35.00
Examination of 4 Wheel Vehicles $49.00
Examination for Driver’s Licence (Under 65 Years) $46.00

3. Take a driving test :
After passing the written exam, schedule an appointment to take a driving test at the TCD testing grounds. You can phone our office during business hours to book an appointment.

The test covers basic topics, and tests for 4-wheel cycles also include a parallel parking test, reversing test, and a supervised driving test.

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Motorcycle riding test requirements :
The Motorcycle Riding Test is designed to test your ability to control the cycle under many different circumstances including :
** making turns;
** traveling in a straight line;
** acceleration and braking; and
** slow speed maneuvers.

Large Circle :
You must make one complete turn both ways and return to the stop line. Correct posture and smooth throttle control is the aim of this exercise. While on the circle, look through the turn and lean slightly.. Return to the stop line using both brakes to stop.

Serpentine Ride :
While moving forward and keeping both feet on the foot rest, you must ride through the serpentine/zigzag in a controlled manner during the test.

Straight Line/Brake Test :
You must ride in a straight line between the cones, turn while remaining in control, and accelerate in preparation for the brake test. The cycle must be brought to a quick, safe, controlled stop with the front wheel stopping before the white stop line, using both brakes.

Turn Signals (Hands) :
You must ride in a straight line and make a left turn at the end of the cones using your left hand. Repeat the procedure making a right hand turn at the end of the cones.

After passing the driving test, you will be issued a licence for up to a period of ten years, or up to your 65th birthday. At 65 years of age, your driver’s licence is renewed every five years. After the age of 75, the licence has to be renewed every two years.

After you successfully complete all these steps, you will receive a driver’s licence to operate a motor vehicle in Bermuda.

Additional information for new residents :
To get a driver’s licence, you must be able to prove that you will be resident in Bermuda for a period of 30 days or more. In the case of visitors renting property on a holiday basis for 30 days or more, a copy of your lease may be required.

You might find it helpful to book an orientation lesson with a local driving instructor. This will familiarize you with local driving practices, city road markings, and the one way routes throughout the city. To book an orientation lesson, please contact the TCD main office.

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