Apply for Pension & Social Insurance Number Bermuda

Organization : Government of Bermuda
Facility : Apply for Pension & Social Insurance Number
Country : Bermuda
Website :
Details Here :

Receive a Pension :

You can apply to make contributions to a pension fund. There are contributory pensions, and non-contributory pensions.

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You should complete the Application for a contributory pension/gratuity form and then bring the form in to the Department of Social Insurance to apply for your pension.

Contributory pension :
You are entitled to receive your contributory pension if you :
** are 65 years of age or over; and
** have paid (or been credited with) between 25 and 50 contributions to the CPF a year.

You may qualify whether you stop work or not. The amount you receive will depend on the total contributions and number of years you have been part of the plan.

Non-contributory pension :
You qualify for a non-contributory pension if you :
** do not qualify for a contributory pension;
** are 65 years of age and living in Bermuda; and
** are Bermudian and have been ordinarily resident here for more than ten years during the 20 years before you apply.

If you paid into the CPF but failed to meet the requirements for a contributory pension, you can receive a refund of the total contributions paid into the plan by you and on your behalf.

How do I review my Pension?
Firstly, find out what sort of pensions you have :
Check paperwork; talk to your employer or Human Resources (HR) department; talk to your pension plan provider or financial adviser and ask how much they’re likely to pay you at retirement.

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You should get a statement every year telling you how much your fund is likely to grow. If you can’t find the latest statement, ask your HR department or pension plan provider for it. If you’ve lost track of any old pension schemes you belonged to your pension plan provider should have a record.

Once you’ve got all the figures you’ll be in a better position to see if you’ll have enough money in retirement or whether you’ll need to top up your pension. Speak with your pension plan provider or financial adviser for specific information and assistance.

Apply for a Social Insurance Number :
Anyone who works in Bermuda must have a social insurance number from the age of 16 years old.

Requirements :
To apply for a social insurance number in Bermuda, you need :
1. a completed Application for social insurance number
2. a photocopy of
** your birth certificate or passport, if born in Bermuda;

** your birth certificate or passport and your immigration spousal letter, if married to a Bermudian; or
** your birth certificate or passport and your work permit, if a non-Bermudian

How do I apply?
You need to mail the complete application form and photocopied documents to :
P.O. Box HM 1537
Hamilton HM FX

You can also bring in your application, in person, to :
The Department of Social Insurance
Government Administration Building
Ground Floor,
30 Parliament Street,
Hamilton HM 12

How long does it take to process my social insurance application?
If the form has been correctly filled out and completed fully, it should only take 3–5 days to complete the process.

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