Apply for a Letter of Permission Bermuda

Organization : Government of Bermuda
Facility : Apply for a Letter of Permission
Country : Bermuda
Website :
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Apply for a Letter of Permission :

A Letter of Permission may be granted to a not-for-profit organisation, a registered charity, or religious institution such as a coach or teacher of sports, clergy, a speaker or a musician or entertainer – whether they are being remunerated or not.

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Such a person is given permission to stay for 30 days at the time the application is made. After landing, a Visitor’s Extension may be granted (after applying and paying the required fee) as long as the total stay does not exceed 60 days. If staying longer than 60 days is required, a work permit should be applied for.

In cases where a group is landed for the same purpose (e.g. an orchestra or choir or sports team), the Letter of Permission fee is payable for each member. However this fee is capped at five persons (see fees below).

Requirements :
You will need to submit the following information :
** Letter of Permission Application Form (emergency requests must include a letter of justification)
** Proof of Citizenship (passport)
** Required fees

** Proof of multi-entry Visa/Permanent Resident Card issued by USA, Canada or UK
** Payment of government taxes and employee benefits
** Certificate of Incorporation and company profile (new companies only)

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You will also need to supply a supplementary sheet with additional information that includes :
** Company name and contact information (dated and signed)
** Name, date of birth and nationality of applicant
** Reason for request
** Details on efforts to employ local resources and why local resources were not selected

You will also need to fill in and sign a disclosure and declaration form which is included in the application to download. If the letter of permission is for musicians/entertainers, you must also supply event and group details.

Fees :
1. A letter of permission – $104
2. The Minister may grant such permission for a period of time specified in the letter not exceeding one year to not-for-profit organisations, including registered charitable organisations, for the employment of coaches, teachers of sports and recreation, clergy, speakers and musicians)
3. For applications submitted for six or more persons, the group fee – $520

Applying for a Betting Licence :
Requirements to apply for a Betting Licence :
** ​Applicants are to submit this application with the requisite receipt and a cheque for advertising fees to the Clerk to the Betting Licensing Authority at Magistrates’ Court.

** The Fee for this Application is to be paid to the Accountant General’s Department Cashier in the Government Administration Building, Ground Floor.

** New and annual renewal applications are to be submitted with the requisite Certificates, etc.
** A copy of this Application shall be served on the Commissioner of Police.

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