Apply for MCB Master Card Lucky Draw : Mauritius Commercial Bank

Organization : The Mauritius Commercial Bank Ltd MCB
Facility : Apply MCB Master Card Lucky Draw
Validity : 15 January 2018
Country : Mauritius
Website :
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Master Card Lucky Draw :

Use your MCB Mastercard and participate in our lucky draw to win an “Epic Cruise through Scandinavia” for 2 persons and pocket money of Rs. 100,000.

Related : Mauritius Commercial Internet Banking :

Conditions of participation :
1. This offer is open to all holders of MCB Mastercard cards (debit card, credit card – First, Classic, Gold, Platinum and World Mastercard).

The participation numbers will be allocated to the cardholder as follows :
A participation number will be assigned to each cardholder (debit and credit cards) for Card transactions made during the promotional period :
(i) Rs 500 to Rs 999 = a participation number;
(ii) Rs 1,000 to Rs 1,499 = two entry numbers and so on.

2. Five bonus participation numbers, in the draw, will be offered to any new user Mastercard credit card (subject to approval of a credit card application).

These “bonus numbers” will be allocated only after the first use of this new card, on an approved transaction and for a minimum amount of Rs 500, before the end of countryside.

3. MCB employees, as well as credit card holders who are subject to recovery from our legal department, are not eligible for this promotional offer. This non-eligibility criterion applies to the main and secondary cards issued for the accounts of the employees and their respective owners.

4. Holders who will have late payments or find themselves in the process of “collection” on their card accounts, will not be eligible to participate in this promotional campaign.

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5. Transactions made at points of sale or online (in Mauritius and / or abroad) and mailed to the MCB, will be accounted for.
6. Transactions carried out at ATMs, at the counters of branches of any bank, financial institutions and casinos will not be counted.

7. The total amount spent will be posted to the account of the primary cardholder. Thus, Expenses recorded on the secondary card (s) will be added to the amount spent by the primary cardholder to determine the total amount spent.

8. The draw will take place at the Mauritius Turf Club on 29 January 2018, in the presence of a representative of the Gambling Regulatory Authority (GRA). The winner will be contacted by phone. The awards ceremony will be held at a date that will be communicated later.

9. The winner will receive a prize for 2 persons including airline tickets, accommodation, transfers, cruise and pocket money for an amount of Rs 100,000 which will be credited on a credit card MCB MasterCard.

10. This offer is valid for Mauritian citizens residing in Mauritius, only.
11. The winner must have a valid passport and any other necessary documents.

12. The winner, in accepting the prize, grants the MCB the right to publish his name and photo in the press, in the communication media and at the points of sale after the draw. The winner can also be solicited to appear in national or international media free of charge.

13. Each customer will be able to consult the number (s) of participation obtained, by going to an agency MCB or by calling 202 6060 at the end of the promotional campaign.

14. It is understood that the MCB declines any responsibility if the winner can not avail himself of the prize for a specific reason, or in case of dispute of these conditions of participation.

Use your Mastercard until January 15, 2018 and participate in a draw to win an “Epic Cruise in Scandinavia” for 2 people, plus Rs 100,000 pocket money.

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