mpa.gov.sg Registration of Pleasure Craft Singapore : Maritime & Port Authority

Organization : Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore
Facility : Registration of Pleasure Craft
Country : Singapore
Website : https://www.mpa.gov.sg/web/portal/home
Details Here : https://www.mpa.gov.sg/

MPA Registration of Pleasure Craft

Registration will accord the craft a Singapore nationality. The Register does not provide evidence of title nor does it accommodate the registration of mortgages. Registration is voluntary.

Related : Maritime & Port Authority In-house Pilot Scheme Singapore : www.statusin.org/40357.html

Eligibility for Registration

Pleasure craft owned by a person who is ordinarily resident in Singapore may be registered with the Singapore Registry. The term “ordinarily resident” means the place where the person habitually and normally resides from choice and for a settled purpose apart from temporary or occasional absences. “Care Of” addresses are not acceptable.

Registration Condition

The craft registered is to be used exclusively for the purpose of pleasure and not offered for commercial use or reward. In this regard, the craft cannot apply for a SZH harbourcraft licence for operations within Singapore waters.

There is no restriction on the size of the craft registered, however pleasure craft which are wooden and/or more than 17 years old will not be accepted into the registry.

The craft owner must ensure that for pleasure craft that operates on an international voyage, the number of passengers carried on board must not exceed above 12.

Pleasure craft that carries more than 12 passengers on an international voyage, under Singapore Flag Regulations, such craft will be considered a passenger ship and hence will be required to comply with our Merchant Shipping (Special Limits Passenger Ships) Safety Regulations.

Period of Registration

The Certificate of Registry (Pleasure Craft) is valid for one year. It may be renewed annually from the date of expiry of its initial registry or last renewal.

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Registration & Renewal

The application form may be used to apply for first registration of a craft and for registration renewal. A letter of authorisation must accompany the application form if the application is made on behalf of the owner.

Applicants must produce the Certificate of Registry for endorsement during renewal. The fee for first registration is S$200 and subsequent annual renewal is S$50.

The original Form is to be sent in person or by post to the address given in the Contact section (below). If the registry of a pleasure craft is not renewed within 3 months of the date of expiry of its initial registry or last renewal, the registry of the pleasure craft shall be deemed to be closed.

Where the craft has, at any point in time, been registered in another country, evidence of cancellation of the former registry is required.
** The evidence may be in the form of a Deletion Certificate or a ‘closed’ transcript of the former registry.
** The original document is required.

Change of Ownership or Craft Particulars

The registered owner must notify the Registrar in writing, not later than 30 days after the change and produce the Certificate of Registry to him.

If there is a change in ownership, the new owner must meet the eligibility requirement and submit the completed application form. No bill of sale is required.

Closure of Registry

The registered owner must notify the Registrar in writing and surrender the Certificate of Registry.

Name of Pleasure Craft

Craft bearing undesirable names which are likely to cause confusion in an emergency will not be registered. The owner must be prepared to change the craft’s name should there be an existing one in the Register. No two craft should bear the same name.


The owner shall ensure that within one month from the date of registration, the pleasure craft is properly marked as follows :
** The name of the craft is clearly painted on or affixed to the bow and stern of the craft.
** The word “SINGAPORE” is clearly painted on or affixed to the stern immediately below the name of the craft.

The markings must be effectively maintained and renewed when necessary during the period of registry. Owners are not liable for the payment of annual tonnage tax.

Categories: Singapore
Tags: mpa.gov.sg
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