Numismatic Coins : Bank of Zambia

Organization : Bank of Zambia
Facility : Numismatic Coins
Applicable For : All
Country: Zambia
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BOZ Numismatic Coins

The Bank of Zambia has available for sale to members of the general public various numismatic coins.

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The coins were minted to commemorate various national and international historical events some of which date as far back as 1969. Coin collectors with much experience say numismatic coins have three main attractions: Rarity, Metallic Art and the Link between Coin and history. Of the three factors, history is probably the most compelling aspect in numismatics. Every little piece of coin has a story to tell. Most recently the Bank minted a K50 bimetallic coin to commemorate the 50 anniversary of the Bank of Zambia’s founding.

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Denomination: 10 Kwacha
Fineness: .925 Silver
Weight: 27.22 gm
Diameter: 40.00 mm
Quality: PROOF
Edition limit: 20,000
Mint: British Royal Mint
Price: K100.00

K10 World Wildlife Conservation

** This coin was issued by the authority of the Bank of Zambia.
** It is one of a series of legal th tender proof coins celebrating the 25 Anniversary of the World Wildlife Fund.
** The obverse features a portrait of the first President of the Republic of Zambia, Dr Kenneth David Kaunda, with the inscription “Zambia 1986”.
** The reverse design depicts a White winged Flufftail and the denomination “10 Kwacha”.
** White winged Flufftails are very rare members of the crake ** family.
** They are various shades of chestnut in color with a whitish chin and throat, black and white markings on the tail wings and a purplish colored bill.
** They inhabit marshland and floodplain area, amongst clump grasses and reeds, and feed on aquatic insects and larvae.
** Because White-winged Flufftails are so scarce, there is little information on the habits of these birds and nothing at all is known about their breeding season, nests or eggs.
** The lack of knowledge makes conservation procedures difficult to determine until more research is completed
** The Republic of Zambia has many national parks, created to protect the abundant wildlife, such as the Kafue National Park, one of the largest in the world, and the Mosi Oa- Tunya National Park which contains the magnificent Victoria Falls.

Specifications :
Denomination: 10 Kwacha
Fineness: .925 silver
Weight: 27.22 gm
Diameter: 40.00 mm
Quality: PROOF
Edition limit 25,000
Mint: British Royal Mint
Price: K100.00

The Bank of Zambia Proof set

These coins were issued by the authority of the Bank of Zambia in 1992. It is one of a series of legal tender proof coins to celebrate the issue of new Bank of Zambia legal tender coins in circulation.

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