NECTA Tanzania ACSEE 2015 Online Registration

Name of the Organization : National Examinations Council of Tanzania
Type of Facility : ACSEE 2015
Country : Tanzania
Deadline : 30th September, 2014

Website :

How To Register For NECTA ACSEE?

National Examinations Council of Tanzania (NECTA) wishes to proclaim to all people who want to make Test Form Six (ACSEE) in May 2015 as the candidates of the Independent that the registration period officially began on July 1, 2014 to 30th September, 2014 for a fee of Shilingi 50,000 /.

Related : NACTE Central Admission System For Diploma Holders :

Either starting on October 1, 2014 until the date October 31, 2014 applicants will be registered for a fee of Shilingi 65,000 / – (fees and fines).

All applicants are encouraged to register early to ensure through the Internet via website of Examinations Council. Before registering online, applicants should go to the exam centers take reference number (reference NUMBER) provided free and pay the test fee by post or M-pesa.

Registration Period : July 1, 2014 to 30th September, 2014


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) On NECTA

What happens if I lose my O/A-Level certificate?
One has to apply for Confirmation of results that goes to the prospective employer or institution of study.One can also apply for a Certifying statement of results .

This is an official document issued by NECTA which shows the grades obtained by a student in a given examination session. Certifying statements will be accepted by educational institutions and places of employment as a legitimate record of results.

If I have two or more certificates from different sittings is it possible for them to be combined into one certificate?
NO. Each examination sitting has its own certificate and NECTA does not combine certificates from different sittings.

Are NECTA Certificates recognized internationally?
Yes. NECTA certificates are well accepted in Africa and beyond.

What security measures are in place at NECTA to protect our national examinations?
All NECTA examination question papers are protected by stringent security measures at all points of production distribution storage and at all transit points. Examination question papers are always guarded at cluster distribution centres and during distribution by Police.

The NECTA fleet and courier services that provide question paper transport services for NECTA are all guarded by Police details.

Question papers are packed using double packaging tamper-evident packaging materials and boxed in robust boxing materials which are further secured with our security seal or tape and strapped for added security.

The Council delivers examination question papers a few days before the start of the examination to ensure that question papers are not exposed or left vulnerable at centres for long periods before the examination.

The Council conducts spot checks on centres.Marking centres are also guarded by police details.

About Us :
After Tanzania Mainland had pulled out of the East African Examinations Council, in 1971 and before NECTA was established by Law, in 1973, the Curriculum and Examinations Section of the Ministry of Education was responsible for all examinations. With the establishment of NECTA, the Examinations became its responsibility in accordance with the law.

All correspondence should be addressed to :
The Executive Secretary,
The National Examinations Council of Tanzania;
P.O. BOX 2624 OR 32019 ;
Tel : +255-22-2700493 – 6/9;
Fax :+255-22-2775966;
E-mail : esnecta [AT]

Categories: Tanzania

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