hdb.gov.sg Apply For Transfer of Rental Flat Singapore : Housing & Development Board

Organization : Housing & Development Board
Facility : Apply For Transfer of Rental Flat
Country : Singapore
Website : http://www.hdb.gov.sg/cs/infoweb/homepage
Apply Here : https://services2.hdb.gov.sg/webapp/AA11PEAPPWeb/TRN/AA11PTRNApp.jsp

HDB Apply For Transfer of Rental Flat

Apply for a transfer to another HDB rental flat. This form may take you about 10 minutes to complete.

Related : Apply For Season Parking Ticket Singapore : www.statusin.org/6222.html

Documents Required

You will need the following information to complete this form :
1. NRIC No. of applicant and proposed occupier(s)
2. Date of birth of applicant and proposed occupier(s)
3. Occupation and gross income of applicant and proposed occupier(s)
4. Correspondence address

Please note that if you have double-barrelled race recorded in your NRIC, only the first race component will be taken into account. For example, if your race in NRIC is recorded as Indian-Chinese, only state Indian in the race field. This application will take 2 weeks to process.

Particulars Of Estate & Reason For Transfer

1. *Enter Transfer to which Estate
2. *Select Flat Type 1-Room or 2-Room
3. *Enter Reason for Transfer

Particulars of Applicant

1. *Enter Name
2. *Select Gender Male or Female
3. *Enter NRIC No.
4. *Select Marital Status
5. *Enter Date of Birth
6. *Select Race
7. *Enter Occupation
8. *Enter Gross Monthly Income

Related Post

Applicant’s Contact Information

Please enter the contact details,
1. *Enter Block No.
2. *Select Street Name
3. *Enter Level – Unit No.
4. *Enter Postal Code

Corresponding Address

5. Enter Address
6. Enter Postal Code
7. Enter Telephone No.(Home)
8. Enter Telephone No.(Office)
9. Enter Mobile No.
10. Enter Email

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Will there be an income assessment for a transfer?
The transfer is subject to income assessment except under the following circumstances :
** cannot pay the current rent and wishes to move to a smaller flat; or
** requires a transfer on medical grounds; or
** is affected by relocation or redevelopment programmes.

2. Can a single person who is eligible to retain the existing rental flat request for a transfer?
The tenant can request for a transfer provided that he can include another person(s) to comply with an eligibility scheme.

3. Can a 2-person household/family without income or applicants under the Joint Singles Scheme transfer to a 2-room rental flat?
No, a 2-person household can rent only a 1-room flat.

4. What is the average waiting time for rental flat allocation?
HDB rental flats are allocated on a first-come-first-served basis according to registration numbers and subject to availability of vacancies.

5. What is the rental charge for the transfer?
The rental charged is subject to rent alignment based on their prevailing income.

Housing & Development Board

The Housing & Development Board (HDB) is Singapore’s public housing authority. We plan and develop Singapore’s housing estates; building homes and transforming towns to create a quality living environment for all.

We provide various commercial, recreational, and social amenities in our towns for our residents’ convenience.

Categories: Singapore
Tags: hdb.gov.sg
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