Online Application for Obtaining Digital Signature Uzbekistan : Single Interactive State Services Portal

Organization : The Single Interactive State Services Portal
Facility : Online Application for Obtaining Digital Signature
Country: Uzbekistan
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Uzbekistan Application for Digital Signature

Sphere of the service – Information Technology and Communications
Category of the service recipient – Individuals.

Related : Uzbekistan Reconciliation Certificate of Custom Payments :

Instructions on Registration

** Enter your chosen login.
** The minimum number of letters in the login is 6, it may consist of, numbers, and symbols (-) and (_).
** Enter your chosen password.
** Minimum number of characters in the password is 6, it may consist of letters, numbers, and symbols (-) and (_). Confirm your password.
** Provide your personal data: name, surname, father’s name, sex, date of birth and address.
** Enter your contact information: email address and mobile phone number.
** After specifying the number of mobile phone and clicking Get verification code, wait for the SMS with a verification code.
** Enter the verification code in the appropriate field and click on the Register button.


Enter your login and password that you have written in registration process to sign in to the portal. Login is used only for authorization on the portal and is not contact information.

If you forgot the password use the form of password recovery. New password will be sent to your email.

Password Recovery

** By using the “Password recovery” function, you can get a new password if you forget the current one. For this, you must enter the email address, specified in the registration, in the field “E-mail”, and click on the “Send” button.

** Thereafter, a link for a new password will be sent to your e-mail. Click on this link and the system will send you a new password.

Related Post

** Remind you that the duration of the password recovery is valid for 30 minutes, after this, if you have not managed to recover your password, you need to start all over again.

Documents Required

‘In order to use the service on the Single portal it is required to complete the electronic application form.

However, when receiving the result of service (digital signature itself) user needs to provide the following documents to the authorized employee of the district STI
1. Passport;
2. USB-flash drive (for recording and storage of EDS keys and EDS key certificate).

Cost and Method

** 10% of the minimum wage at the day of payment, excluding VAT.
** For the convenience of individuals provides for payment by payment CLICK system and SMS-To’lov.
** To do this, you need to dial the phone USSD-command (CLICK) ** * 880 * 0113 * TIN * payment amount of money #
** where the TIN – it is the taxpayer identification number; Payment amount – 10% of the minimum wage.
** A personal account in the section “Taxes”, specifying (SMS-To’lov):
** TIN; card number; Payment amount (automatically generated)
** For payment through the bank: 20210000200431200001 in the Operations Department of ABB Trastbank, MFI 00491, TIN number 201589463, IBAN 82000


Methods for obtaining results :
A notification is forwarded to the user’s personal account on the Single portal

Result of the service :
Electronic digital signature and electronic signature key certificate.

Reasons for refusal :
The unreliability of submitted documents;
Failure to pay service fees.

Order of appeal :
An applicant has the right to appeal against the decision of an official institution in the order established by law.

Categories: Uzbekistan
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