W&OP Re-registration Sri Lanka : Widows, Widowers & Orphans

Organization : Department of Pensions
Facility : W&OP Re-registration Widows, Widowers & Orphans Pension
Country : Sri Lanka
Register Here :
Details Here :

What is W&OP Re-registration System?

W&OP Re-registration system is required only for the re-registration of widows’, widowers’ and orphans’ pension. To access this system, you should posses a widows, widowers’ and orphans’ No., obtained without the online process. (82 / .., F / …, M / ….) If not, get your widows, widowers’ and orphans’ no. contacting the officer in charge of the personal files in your institution.

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Pension Registration System Sri Lanka

Before the registration, check whether the relevant widows, widowers’ or orphans’ membership card is available entering your National Identity card no, through the “Get Your W & OP Number” extension.

How To Access W&OP Re-registration?

1. Open the Google Chrome or other Web Browser in your Computer. Type Official on its address bar and access to the Department of Pensions website and click on the W&OP Re-registration icon.

Re-Registration For The Membership Number

Very Important – Relevant officer/female officer should access to the system and fill this application online in the widows’, widowers’ and orphans’ membership number.

No any Username or password is necessary to enter this system. The officers who are engaging in public service and not obtained the Widows’, widowers’ and Orphans’ pension scheme membership number via online from system so far in this system should be registered in this system.

(to get to know whether you have registered already, enter your National Identity Card Number to the W&OP section in service menu in Department of Pensions Website (If your information is already mentioned in there, No need to reregister in this system).

How To Apply For W&OP Re-registration?

Go to the official website of Department of Pensions and Click W&OP Re-registration link in the home page.

Then Click on the Re-register button in the top right corner of the page.

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First Step : Personal Information
** Enter the bio data and contact information of the pensioner.

** Fill all information and then click on the “Continue” button.

Second Step : Service Information
1.Enter the Widows,widowers & Orphens’ & membership number already obtained by you.( Confirm the said number from the officer in charge of the subject of your personal files).

2. Enter the Institute serving /Designation/Service/salary Code. (These information should be relevent for the institute where you are serving presently).
3.Fill the relevent information and click on the “Continue” button.

Third Step : Dependant Information
2. As per the above image, select whether you are married or single. Select the code relevant for you from Single, Married fields mentioned above as No. (01) If it’s, Single, informing the other information is not compulsory.

3. Bellow screen will be dispalyed after select “married”
4. This page has created to enter the dependants’ information of pensioner.

FAQ On W&OP Re-registration System

Here are some FAQ on the W&OP Re-registration System in Sri Lanka:

What is the W&OP Re-registration System?
The W&OP Re-registration System is a web-based system that allows vehicle owners in Sri Lanka to re-register their vehicles. The system was introduced in 2019 by the Department of Motor Traffic (DMO) to improve the efficiency of the vehicle registration process.

How can I re-register my vehicle using the W&OP Re-registration System?
To re-register your vehicle using the W&OP Re-registration System, you will need to create an account and log in to the system. Once you are logged in, you will need to enter the registration number of your vehicle and the system will display the information about your vehicle. You will then need to pay the re-registration fee and submit the required documents.

How much does it cost to re-register my vehicle?
The cost of re-registering your vehicle varies depending on the type of vehicle and the age of the vehicle. However, the general cost is around LKR 500 for a private vehicle.

How long does it take to re-register my vehicle?
The process of re-registering your vehicle using the W&OP Re-registration System can take anywhere from a few hours to a few days, depending on the workload of the DMO office.

Categories: Sri Lanka

View Comments (52)

  • I am Mr.P.Vinoth (NIC 932702010V) After submitting my file, I received a sms on 15th june that the file was received but still no w&op number.plz my registration number

  • I am Mr.N.Niraj (NIC 199315503054) and my application to get a W&OP number has already submitted more than one month before. Kindly may I know how long normally it will take to issue a number and Iam still not received my registration number

  • I am Ms. J.K.B.N. Jayakody (NIC 707260XXXX) and my application to get a W&OP number has already submitted more than two weeks before. Kindly may I know how long normally it will take to issue a number and will you inform me after issuing the registration number?

  • My old NIC no is 622030306X
    New NIC no is 622030306V
    I have registered with old no x
    How I get my new no V

  • dear sir

    i registered as a subject officer. But the Dept sent a massage my profile request has been rejected ,update & re - register (Username : vda12) pease help me.

    thank you & regards

  • I have enterd the detail for my re registration.but not view my registration no.

  • There's a mistake in my name in W & OP membership card . How can I change my name in the card?

  • I tried several times and still I can't get any details even a message . what can I do ?

  • I attempted several times and still trying to re register as I have a number starting 82/874---- and I am about to retire soon.Whom shall I contact/consult.

  • I am unable to continue the reregistration as i am unable to enter my institute it doesnt show any pop up for me and when i enter it by my own it does not accept it

  • I am unable to continue the reregistration as i am unable to enter my institute it doesnt show any pop up for me and when i enter it by my own it does not accept it.

  • registration site is not working -Withanamahamudalige Dona Chathurika Nilminie.How I register?

  • I want to know my WNOP number. My first appointment date is 27th April 1987 & worked in North Central Province. From 1st January 2003 to today working in St. Mary's College Negombo, Western Province. Please help to get my WNOP Number.

  • Re-registration link is not working. Even after many attempts it ended in "This site can’t be reached" message. Please advise.

  • Please reply, Is there a closing date for W&OP Online Re-registration?

  • I have forgotten to enter the birth certificate & marriage certificate number while filling application. What shall I do?

  • I want W&OP Number. I am a New appointed Teacher from Monaragala Zonal Education office. I want to re-register from your site.

  • I, was employed by the Department as a Pupil Teacher (English) in the year 1972. Thereafter I was selected to under a course of Study for English Trained Teachers. Having successfully completed this Examination I was given an Appointment as an English Trained Teacher. Prior to my appointment I was married to a Sri Lanka Government Employee. He had contributed to the W&OP Fund since his appoint. But to an oversight I had missed getting my W&OP Number. I have since retired and don't have a Registered W&OP Number. Could you kindly assist me in advising as to how I could get about in obtaining this matter solved. © 2022 Contact Us   Privacy Policy   Site Map