FNB Cellphone Banking Botswana : fnbbotswana.co.bw

Organization : FNB First National Bank Botswana
Facility : Cellphone Banking
Country : Botswana
Website : https://www.fnbbotswana.co.bw/index.html
Details Here : https://www.fnbbotswana.co.bw/ways-to-bank/for-me/cellphone-banking.html

FNB Cellphone Banking

Cellphone Banking from FNB is for anyone with any cellphone. No matter where you are or at what time, your banking is only one SMS away – all you need is a cellphone and a qualifying FNB transactional account.

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With Cellphone Banking from FNB you’ll have the freedom to live your life while saving time on banking. There really isn’t a quicker and easier way to manage your money.

Benefits of banking on your cellphone :
** It’s as simple as sending an SMS
** Any cellphone make or model can be used
** No special SIM card requirements

** No complicated downloads
** No changes to your cellphone settings
** 24 hour banking convenience – you can bank wherever you are, whenever you want

** Transactions occur in real time
** Registration is quick and free
** Zero subscription fees

Qualifying criteria

A valid cellphone number & one of the following qualifying accounts :
** Transmission Account
** Call Deposit
** First Cheque Account
** Credit Card (First, Silver, Gold, Platinum)

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What You Can Do

** Buy prepaid airtime for yourself or someone else
** View a list of your most recent prepaid cellphone airtime purchases
** Check balances on one or all of your accounts
** Get a mini statement (reflects last 5 transactions)

** Transfer money between your own FNB accounts
** Make third-party payments
** Receive real time confirmation of financial transactions (inContact)
** Maintain your Cellphone Banking details


1. How much prepaid airtime can I purchase?
Customers are able to top-up their airtime for any amount, provided that the airtime top up is within the minimum and maximum prepaid airtime values sold by the service provider without exceeding your prepaid daily limit, i.e.
** Mascom, Minimum P10 and Maximum P250
** Bemobile, Minimum P10 and Maximum P250
** Orange, Minimum P5 and Maximum P250

2. What is a MOPIN?
A MOPIN is your 5-digit FNB Cellphone Banking PIN you will be required to select at registration. Please remember to keep your MOPIN secret.

3. What do I need to have to register for FNB Cellphone Banking?
To register for FNB Cellphone Banking you need to have :
** A valid Botswana cellphone number
** A qualifying FNB account

4. What happens if I have made an incorrect purchase?
** The terms and conditions for this service state that FNB is not liable for incorrect purchases made by you the customer

** FNB includes a confirmation screen on your cellphone prior to you accepting your transaction. This confirmation is meant to ensure that you are happy with your transaction
** Unfortunately we cannot reimburse you for the transaction

5. Which accounts can I get mini statements on?
Mini statements can be obtained for transactional accounts as well as for all prepaid transactions, for example your cheque or BOB save account.

Categories: Botswana

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