MOF UAE Mobile Application : Ministry of Finance

Organization : Ministry of Finance
Facility : MOF UAE Mobile Application
Country: United Arab Emirates
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MOF UAE Mobile Application

The Ministry of Finance (MoF) has taken a great leap forward in deploying mobile smart services as part of the Smart Government initiative.

Related : MoF UAE e-Dirham System :

This falls in line with the ministry’s vision to become a global leader in the field of financial management, and to provide direct and easy communication channels around the clock to satisfy customers’ needs from both the government and private sectors.

To achieve this aim, the ministry has launched the following applications:

Availability of Mobile App

This app is available on the Apple App Store and Google Play. It offers a variety of services that cater to customers such as:

Issuing Tax Certificates,including submitting applications for issuing the certificates for :
** Tax Domicile to avoid double taxation
** Value Added Tax for the purposes of exempting individuals from taxes in other countries

Supplier Services, including :
** Registration of suppliers in the Suppliers Federal Record
** renewal of the registration of suppliers in the suppliers federal record
** following-up and viewing tenders and auctions for supplies and services launched by the ministries and federal entities

Services of the field of Gulf Economic Integration,including :
** Reply to suggestions regarding Gulf Economic Integration
** Reply to complaints regarding Gulf Economic Integration
** Reply to enquiries regarding Gulf Economic Integration
** Issuing and publishing statistical reports on Economic Integration for the GCC

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A replying service to customer enquiries,for customers wishing to ask for clarification on information related to the ministry’s procedures and methods of work, for the purpose of facilitating the process of dealing with ministry’s procedures.

The application enables customers, represented by ministries and federal entities, responsible for preparing budgets related to MoF to review budget status, transfer requests, etc…

The application also enables the public to view budget reports, final account and open data presented within Infographics and high-quality interactive graphs optimised for smartphone screens. The application supports the needs of people with special needs and visually impaired users.

MOF UAE also offers several interactive features for the public, such as :
** Smart participation in opinion polls organised by MoF to evaluate services
** A special window for Smart Wallet which aims to help customers to manage their personal budgets

Apple Watch and Android Wear Smart Watch app :
The MoF app for smart watches enables users to track their requests for Value Added Tax and Tax Domicile certificates issuance. It also provides a set of features that allow users to view some of the services related to Gulf Economic Integration, financial open data, and MoF’s profile, including officers contact data and the latest news. Additionally, users can make e-payments with a single click on the watch.

eDirham Mobile Application

This is a secure application that is compatible w​ith both Android and iOS devices. The app comes with an easy-to-use interface and eWallet for use in the payment process without the need to use eDirham cards during each transaction.

The eDirham system goes through a continua; development processes to meet more of the customer’s needs and requirements, so that the system becomes the first payment method for government and semi government services and one of the preferred smart payment methods for various services.

The cost of using eDirham is low, besides it is secure, and can be used via online payment, POS, mobile phones, and direct debit from bank accounts through the national payment gateway of Central Bank of the UAE.

Using Smart Identity

MoF has linked the ‘Emirates ID Card’ as a personal identification document to salaries of government employees and government services. MoF also seeks to use encryption and smart features offered by the ID to validate data.

The aim of using these features that include Biometrics of the cardholder is to save time, effort and money, and to accelerate the transformation process to smart services

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