Issue Replacement of Lost Birth Certificate United Arab Emirates : Ministry of Health & Prevention

Organization : Ministry of Health & Prevention
Service Name : Issue Replacement of Lost Birth Certificate
Country: United Arab Emirates
Details :
Website :

Mohap Replacement of Lost Birth Certificate

Department name – Preventive Medicine Department
Sector name – Health centers and clinics Sector

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Service Code – 110-11-001-001
Service Type – G2C
Service Description – Extracting a birth certificate when the original birth certificate is lost

Conditions and Requirements

1. The presence of the father and the mother
2. Providing all the original documents

3. In case of requesting a replacement allowance for a person who does not currently reside in the State, the same routine documents shall be requested in addition to an official proxy for the concerned person of the receipt of the certificate, or a faxed message showing the country’s code, where he is currently reside stating that there is no objection to deliver the documents for this person.

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The letter shall be stamped by the UAE Embassy in the applicant country.
4. He shall review the place of issuance of the original birth certificate

Required Documents

Service Requirements
1. A copy of the birth certificate, if any

2. A copy of the parent marriage contract with the original version (in the case of marriage outside the State, the marriage contract shall be attested by the UAE embassy abroad and the UAE Ministry of Foreign Affairs)

3. A copy of the father’s and mother’s passport with the original version (in the case of expatriates, a copy of a valid residence license is required)
4. The presence of the father or his representative under an official proxy
5. A copy of the ID Card, with the original version
6. A Copy of the registration record with the original version for nationals (in case the mother is not a national, the mother’s passport and the residence license are required)
7. Original birth notification with all seals
8. A letter from the police station of the loss of the birth certificate
9. Legal notice and death certificate in case of death of a parent

Procedures and Steps

1. Visiting the Preventive Medical Center with the required documents (the same preventive medical center that issued the original birth certificate first time)
2. Inserting the application in the electronic system and paying the fees.
3. Verifying the documents and original copies, and issuing the birth certificate
4. Receiving the certificate by the father, or his representative

Service Fees

Application Fees (Citizens) 50
Application Fees (Non – nationals) Certificate in Arabic 60
Application fees (non-nationals) Certificate in Arabic and English 120

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