mines.gov.zw Procedure & Criteria For Issuing Exclusive Prospecting Orders EPOs Zimbabwe

Organization : Ministry of Mines and Mining Development
Facility : Procedure & Criteria For Issuing Exclusive Prospecting Orders EPOs
Country : Zimbabwe
Website : http://www.mines.gov.zw/?q=procedure-and-criteria-issuing-exclusive-prospecting-orders-epos

Mines Procedure & Criteria For Issuing EPOs

Application is made to Secretary, Mining Affairs Board who :

Related : Procedure & Criteria Of Obtaining Mining Claims Zimbabwe : www.statusin.org/41198.html

** acknowledges receipt of application by date-stamping and assigning it an application number e.g. EPO 1/09 (or EPO Application No. 1 of 2009), EPO 2/09 denoting the sequence in which they were received and the year received.
** also checks fulfillment of legal requirements of the application.


 STAGE MAB Secretariat /Legal Services Zimbabwe Geological Survey  [ZGS] Minister/ President
1.        Application Submission

2.        Accepts and assigns Application Number in the format Serial No./Year [eg 01/09…..217/09.]
3.        Sends Application copy to ZGS

 Application Verification Checks on :
** Area for overlaps etc;
** Work programme
** Budget** Company profile
** Minerals sought
** Technical expertise
** Expected results
Application Noting Recommends Applications to be noted after above assessment.
Application Gazettal ** Reserves area.

** Draft General notice sent to Attorney General for checking

Application Consideration Invites Company to appear before MAB for interview
Application recommendation and Approval ** Assigns EPO No. eg 4886….

** Prepares Cabinet minute to President, supporting memo and draft General Notice of Order.

** Draft Notice sent to AG’s Office

General Notice sent to Minister and then to President for APPROVAL or REJECTION.
EPO Gazettal ** Approved General Notice sent for Gazettal.

** Approved Order sent to Applicant

Related Post
EPO Work Monitoring ** Receives Six-monthly progress reports.

** Sends copies to ZGS.
** Evaluates six-monthly reports.
** Visits exploration sites.

** Makes recommendations to MAB.
** Compiles geo-technical data from EPO’s

Mining Affairs Board Criteria

1.3 In making the recommendation the Board looks at the following (or should be satisfied with the following) :
** the applicant(s)’ background;
** corporate structure
** that the applicant is a fit and proper person to obtain an Order and is of adequate financial standing to undertake such operations under an EPO;

** that it would not be against national interest to make such an order;
** the applicant’s programme of work; and
** technical expertise;
1.4 The EPO is transferable with recommendations from the President.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is a Special Grant?
It is type of mining title that gives the user rights to mine in an area put aside for other land use (reserved area).

2. What are the kinds of testwork that are carried out?
Vat leaching ,Heap leaching ,Free gold analysis Amalgamation ,Rod and Ball milling ,Agitation leaching, Gravity concentration, Bottle rolling, Flotation Magnetic separation, Size analysis, Fire Assay, Chemical Analysis.

3. What is the cost of the services that are offered by the company?(i.e. cost of each service)
All our costs are gazette on the Statutory Instrument 10 0f 2016, Mining(General)(Amendment)Regulations,2016(No.19)

4. Does the Department offer assistance to miners?
Yes we offer technical assistance.

5. Can we use your equipment for production?
No, the Department offers lab scale services only.
6. Are you ISO certified?
In progress.

7. Can the Department test all different kinds of minerals or there are specific minerals that can be tested at the department?
All minerals found in Zimbabwe can be processed.

Categories: Zimbabwe
Tags: mines.gov.zw
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