Pre-arrival Registration for Taiwan Resident Hong Kong : Immigration Department

Organization : Immigration Department
Facility : Pre-arrival Registration for Taiwan Resident
Location : Hong Kong
Country : China
Website :

IMMD Pre-arrival Registration for Taiwan Resident

This webpage sets out the information for Taiwan residents who wish to apply for pre-arrival registration to visit the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR).

Related : Immigration Department Registration/Replacement of Hong Kong Identity Card :

Eligibility Criteria

Chinese resident of Taiwan satisfying the following criteria can make use of this online service to apply for pre-arrival registration to visit the HKSAR :
(a) (i) were born in Taiwan; or
(ii) were born outside Taiwan but have been admitted to Hong Kong as a Taiwan resident before; and

(b) are not in possession of any travel document issued by other authorities outside Taiwan (except “Mainland Travel Permit for Taiwan Residents” (commonly known as “Tai Bao Zheng”), and Entry Permit issued by the Immigration Department of the HKSAR).

Note : This pre-arrival registration is not applicable to Hong Kong permanent resident who has the right of abode in the HKSAR, or Hong Kong resident who has the right to land in the HKSAR.

Registration Procedures

Pre-arrival registration is free of charge. During the registration, the registrant needs to provide the following data (the data must tally with those on his/her Taiwan re-entry travel document) :
** Name in Chinese and English
** Alias in Chinese and English (if any)
** Sex
** Date of birth
** Place of birth
** Taiwan identity card number
** Taiwan re-entry travel document number and validity

The registrant is also required to select and answer one of the pre-defined identification questions as an identification key for subsequent use of the function “View / Print Registration Notification Slip” of this online service to view or reprint the notification slip.

The registrant must hold a travel document valid for re-entry to Taiwan for at least six months when making a pre-arrival registration as well as upon arrival immigration clearance in the HKSAR.

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Provision of incorrect information or information inconsistent with the travel document for re-entry to Taiwan may render a registration invalid and/or lead to refusal of the registrant’s entry to the HKSAR.

It is an offence for a registrant to make, or any person to aid or abet a registrant to make, any statement or representation which he knows to be false or does not believe to be true in order to obtain permission to enter the HKSAR.

Registration Result

After the required information has been inputted, the computer system will process the registration automatically. The registration result will be made known to the registrant instantly.

If the registration is successful, registrant should print the “Notification Slip for Pre-arrival Registration for Taiwan Residents” (the notification slip) generated by the computer system on an A4 size blank white paper.

Registrant must check the inputted data on the notification slip to confirm they are true and correct and tally with those of his/her travel document for re-entry to Taiwan before signing on the notification slip.

For a registrant who is under 16 years of age, either his/her parent or legal guardian must check the inputted data and sign on the notification slip.

In case the online pre-arrival registration cannot be completed, registrant may apply for an entry permit to the Immigration Department under the existing entry arrangement, if necessary. Please click here for further information.

Validity of Registration

A pre-arrival registration is valid for two months and good for two entries to the HKSAR with a stay up to 30 days as a visitor on each landing, provided the applicant meet the normal immigration requirements as mentioned below.

Applicant will be allowed to make a new registration only when the registration has expired or has been used for two journeys.

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