NLSFT Non-means-tested Loan Scheme for Full-time Tertiary Students Hong Kong

Organization : Working Family and Student Financial Assistance Agency (WFSFAA)
Scheme Name : Non-means-tested Loan Scheme for Full-time Tertiary Students NLSFT
Location : Hong Kong
Country : China
Website :


The Non-means-tested Loan Scheme for Full-time Tertiary Students (NLSFT) is to complement the Tertiary Student Finance Scheme (TSFS) to provide financial assistance in the form of loan to eligible students to settle tuition fees of recognised full-time study courses.

Related : WFSFAA TSFS Tertiary Student Finance Scheme Hong Kong :


** For students pursuing programmes covered under the Financial Assistance Scheme for Post-secondary Students (FASP), please refer to the details of the Non-means-tested Loan Scheme for Post-secondary Students (NLSPS).

** For students pursuing specific post-secondary / continuing and professional education courses, please refer to the details of the Extended Non-means-tested Loan Scheme (ENLS).


1. To be eligible to apply for NLSFT loan in the 2017/18 academic year, you should :
** be registered as a full-time student and take up an exclusively University Grants Committee (UGC)-funded or exclusively publicly-funded student place of a recognised course offered by the institutions under the TSFS; and

** have the right of abode in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (Hong Kong) or have resided or have had your home in Hong Kong continuously for 3 complete years immediately prior to the commencement of the course. This does not cover students staying in Hong Kong holding student visas.

2. Your eligibility is restricted to only one eligible full-time course in any particular academic year.

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3. If you are going to join an overseas exchange programme in the 2017/18 academic year, you are still eligible for applying for loans under the NLSFT provided that you are registered as a full-time student and take up an exclusively UGC-funded or exclusively publicly-funded student place of a recognised course.

Responsibilities of Applicant

** You must complete the application documents fully and truthfully. Any misrepresentation or omission may lead to disqualification from the application and / or full recovery of loan(s) already offered to you, and court proceedings.

** You should check the information printed on the NLSFT notification of result, especially your personal particulars, institution, course of study, tuition fee payable and bank account number.

Should there be any discrepancies, you should immediately notify the SFO the amendments required in writing by using Form TSF/C/18A (applicable to change of Personal Data) or Form TSF/C/18B (applicable to change of Institution / Course Data), which can be downloaded at the SFO’s website.

Application Procedures

A Workflow of Application Processing highlights the following major procedures of application processing.

Submission Of Application

** All applications of the NLSFT should be submitted through “SFO E-link – My Applications” before the application deadline. Creation / Login of MyGovHK account is required. Applicants are reminded to keep the username and password for future use.

** With effect from 1 January 2018, no online applications for the NLSFT is accepted at the online platform of “SFO E-link – My Applications”. If you wish to submit application during the period of 1 January and 31 March 2018, you should print and complete the application form which can be downloaded from the SFO website.

All late applications should be supported with sound reason which will be considered individually. For details, you can telephone the enquiry hotline at 2150 6222 during office hours.

** You may refer to Part II of the Application Guidance Notes [NLSFT 111B (2017)] for details of completing and submitting the online application form for the NLSFT.

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